44 - He's Here

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"I need some tea, Faith. What happened to your short, happy vacation?"

I am definitely back in the office. Charlotte didn't waste any time to bug me with her nosiness the moment she saw me entered our premises.

I just dismissed her craziness earlier because I arrived in the office just perfectly on time so there is no space for spills and teas. We need to work. I have crazy deadlines anyway.

But here she is again, bugging me at lunch time.

"And who's that handsome guy with you earlier?" She grinned at me. I know that look. She is teasing me again.

Why everyone is so obsessed with my lovelife? I'm not that old, right? I can still play around like a college girl? No? Oh.

"Okay, Char." I glanced at her, giving in. "I know that you'll not stop interrogating me. What do you wanna know?"

Thankfully, the building cafeteria is unusually quiet today. There is a lot of employees around but still, it is peaceful and calm.

"Really?" Char gleamed excitedly.

"Well," I roamed my eyes around before looking at her again. "I still have the rights to answer or not to answer your questions so..." I shrugged to imply that I have the choice.

"Okay..." She beamed again with her twinkling eyes. 

Oh well... Gossips.

"Who's the guy?"

"What guy?" I said playfully.

"Ugh, Faith!" Char rolled her eyes. "The handsome man who dropped you off earlier! You just had a short vacation. Don't tell me you have a boyfriend already? Oh my God." She added, realizing something. "You have a boyfriend?!"

"Shh! Quiet!" I whisper-yelled at her. I don't wanna cause a commotion in this public space.

"I thought you were with Michael and his family? How come there's a random guy dropping you off at work?"

"You really don't know the guy?" I questioned her.

Michael is a public figure so that means, everyone knows about his family too.

"I will not ask you if I know the guy." She giggled.

"That's Michael's brother." I casually said.


"Seriously." I cackled and continued to eat my tuna salad.

Charlotte's face brightened up upon realization. 

"You mean, the older brother? Jesse? That's Jesse?!"

"The one and only." I chuckled. "He volunteered to give me a ride."

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