50 - Another First

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50th chapter. Whoah 💙

 Whoah 💙

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"Hey." I murmured, acknowledging the good man on the other line.

I am giving off the highest energy that I can offer. To be honest, my throat is kinda dry because I just talked to Jesse over the phone not more than five minutes ago.

Nothing new.

We just talked about anything that came up inside our heads, laughing about nonsense jokes. We didn't see each other again after that twisted event we shared the last time he was here in town. No one mentioned about what happened either.

It is tattooed in our memories and it doesn't need to be acknowledged from time to time. We both know it. And we're fine with it.

"Tarzan! I'm glad you called. I thought you already forgot that I existed." I let out a joke just to, I don't know. Lift some spirits?

"That's silly." Even though that I cannot see him, I know that he has a cheeky grin painted on his lips. "I'm just busy. I'm sorry."

"No need to be sorry. I understand." I comforted.

It's been what? Six weeks? I'm not that sure but I do know that Michael is on tour, way past a month already. 

"Still, I'm saying sorry. It's just a lot, you know. It's not just a concert. There are random meetings too. Meet-ups. Interviews. Guestings. I don't even know what's happening exactly." Michael sighed and I can feel the frustrations in his voice right now.


I'm trying to find the right words to say so I can comfort him.

I slouched myself on the sofa for the mean time since I've been roaming around in this home of mine for the past hour just talking and listening and laughing over the phone. The heat from my ears is not yet cooling down but here I am again, having a comfortable talk but this time, with Michael.

Gia is here with me, by the way. She wants to have a sleep over so I let her. She is just busying herself, watching her favorite TV series but I do know very well that her ears are being sensitive to every word that I am saying right now.

Nosy sister.

Am I a bad sister if I confessed that I don't feel bad that I'm talking to someone over the phone instead of spending quality time with my grown up sister?

"I don't know what to say. Honestly." I whispered and the other line is just silent. "I don't know how to make you feel better."

"Just hearing your voice is making me feel better..." He said and it's now my turn to stay silent. "I am just looking forward to it, you know. I'm just glad that I can visit some hospitals to help these sick kids. Seeing them smile is making me happy too."

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