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"Get up, love. You've been staying in bed the whole day." Jesse said when he jumped on the bed, causing the whole mattress to bounce so I groaned even more.

"I'm so tired. Let me have my beauty rest."

"Beauty rest?"

"Hush. I'm not going anywhere." I giggled and hugged his frame without opening my eyes.

We were in my damn house which smelled like fresh paint and stuff. We've been redecorating because I wanted to change the ambiance of my humble home. Not a total make over actually. I just wanted to change the wall colors and I tried to do it myself.

Jesse and I.

"You're tiring yourself too much." He said while drawing circles on my arm and kissing my temples. "You have tons of work and still, you have the time to color your walls. You should be resting but yeah, decorating is therapeutic."

He really got this effect on me. A warming effect. He lied down too so I can hug him comfortably since he knew very well that I loved snuggling on his neck.

"Love?" I hummed, ignoring his preaches about my overworking ass.


"I love you." I chuckled because my words can put him to a stop.

And that's what is happening right now.


"I'm sorry. Can't get used to it." He laughed and cuddled me. "I love you too so much."

"Love you..." I whispered and initiated a sweet kiss. "Muchy muchy."

"So what's your plan for your birthday?" He asked while playing with my hair.

"We don't need to celebrate my birthday."

"Why not?" He moved his eyebrows a little to question my decision.

I just loved every little detail of this man. His cute expressions, sweet gestures, calming voice. Everything.

"Because it is not a big deal."

"It is, a big deal." He argued.

I just smiled widely and traced his nose bridge. I even let our legs to cross one another as I admired his blue eyes.

"You are planning something, aren't you?"

"I'm not." He denied right away.

"Yeah. That's right. You shouldn't." I giggled again. "You must not."

Definitely, he was planning something. He was constantly asking about my birthday, trying to fish some information about how I want to celebrate it. Jesse proposed for us to have a vacation but we were both busy so we tabled the idea for a while. We can have our much needed vacation some other time.

Together Again (A Not So Romantic Lovestory) || Michael JacksonWhere stories live. Discover now