41 - Love Yah!

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"Would you stop being so horny for once, Tarzan?" I hissed at him, almost a whisper, so no one can hear us.

"I'm not horny." He tried to deny but I can clearly see it in his eyes.

"You're not ho—" I laughed, mocking him is the intention. "Oh yeah? Bite me." I scoffed and continued to wash the dishes.

Yeah. I am washing the dishes. It is supposed to be me and Michael but this guy is so busy being horny and he let me do the work alone.

I forgot about it, he said. That's his lone reason.

We were told to do this chore because we were so playful. Michael has his people who can do the work for their boss but what we did in the kitchen earlier has a punishment. 

And don't you dare break the law especially when it is Mama Kathy who told you to wash the dishes.

"Don't say that." Michael chuckled. "Because I'm willing to give you another bite mark just like—" He cleared his throat and refused to meet my gaze when I looked at him. "You know... the first time."

I blushed at his words because uhm... I don't know... Is that a kink?

Definitely, a kink.

Don't even mention the choking, spanking... I can go on and on. The list goes on.

"You know what?" He knitted his eyebrows and his tone made me look at him again. "Let's just leave. I'll ask someone to finish that for us." 

"Tarzan we—"

"Come on, Faye..." He interrupted and I felt his hands caressed my hips. "Let's leave."

"I thought..." I answered as I slapped his hands so he can behave himself. "We're going to meet your brothers and sisters again at the clubhouse when the kids are already asleep."

"But we don't have kids..." He argued.

We don't have kids? Why that sounded so...

"I mean, we don't have someone or something to take care of... except for this one thing." He looked at me with his innocent eyes but those are far from being innocent.

Very far.

"You're impossible, Tarzan..." I let out a playful smile and shook my head. "Actually, I'm already finished with the chore. Thanks for your help by the way..." I chuckled sarcastically as I'm drying my hands.

"You're welcome." He laughed and I rolled my eyes. "Can we have some..." He whispered when he held me on my hips, pulling me closer to him. "quickie now?" He asked before he planted a quick kiss on my lips.

"Michael! Someone might see us!" I whisper-yelled at him. I also tried to push his strong arms away from me. 

"Please, Faye. I need to relieve the pressure off." He pouted. "Don't give me blue balls. It hurts you know..." He let me go already but we maintained a close distance but not in a suspicious way.

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