20 - Stop Looking

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Faye and I finally reached my home which is an hour drive from her place. After several attempts of behaving ourselves, we both managed to get dress and let Bill to drive us home.

I never thought that I will behave like this again, like a very horny teenager. The show didn't stop after what we had in the kitchen earlier. There was the shower... and of course, the bed.

I don't know exactly what to feel about this. I told Faye that I should not get used to this kind of things. Maybe I can but not just with her? I mean, we're friends and our little circus is just a product of boredom and loneliness.

Is it? Was it?


I blinked my eyes numerous times and I'm just thankful that my eyes are hidden behind my black sunglasses. Faye scolded me about it earlier because I'm still wearing it even though we're already inside the car. She didn't meddle with my business for the rest of the trip and she just busied herself with the random sceneries along the way instead of arguing with me about my sunglasses.

"I don't know if you're spacing out or sleeping. Take that damn sunglasses off!" Faye scoffed and I love how her eyebrows are moving everytime she is scolding me. It's just too cute.

"You're not the one who is wearing them. Back off." I grinned and she just pouted her luscious lips.

There she is... She moved her eyebrows again. 

"I hate you." She told me with disgust and slammed her back on the backrest while crossing her arms across her chest.

I licked my drying lips and scratched my temple. I am watching her every move and she is just rolling her eyes everytime she is looking at my direction. 

"Stop acting like a kid." I chuckled.

"Excuse me, sir. You were the one who told me to back off. Don't talk to me. I don't know you." She rolled her eyes again.

"Well..." I sighed and switched my attention back to my window side. We are now approaching the main house. "I thought that you already knew everything about me especially after you shoved my-"

"Shut. Your. Freaking. Mouth." 

Faye covered my mouth with her palms and her eyes are throwing darts at me. I was not able to finish my sentence because of her sudden interruption. I just pouted my lips to kiss her palm.

"Shut up, Tarzan." She hissed with her face beet red. Like glowing red. She glared at me and gestured to Bill's direction.

Oh yeah. It's a secret.

"You mean shaved?" Faye diverted the topic after she removed her soft hands on my mouth. "I'll cut your face myself, Michael. Deep wound. Very deep." She nodded her head eagerly while giving me those sharp glances.

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