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I still hoped that everything was just a joke or maybe a dream where I can still wake up and face the reality. A reality where everyone was happy and no one was suffering and drowning in pain. I didn't know how but I just hoped that it was possible. 

No one was alone. No one was locking themselves inside their bedrooms. No one was crying silently in the shower. No one was hugging themselves like a fetus to suppress their cries before going to sleep. No one was staring into nothingness because life really sucked.

In short, I hoped no one was suffering the same way as me. I was trying but this darkness was consuming me. My mind was clearing itself everyday but, it was just too much. Just too much... My heart remained in pieces and I knew, I was not the only one. I was sure of that.

"Tarzan?" I whispered over the phone because the silence lingered for too long.

We were always like this. It was like, we can't talk about anything anymore. We can just hear each other's breaths from the opposite lines and maybe, those were more than enough. Just by knowing that we were here for each other, it was more than enough.

"Faye?" He muttered too.

He was on tour again but this time, we were sharing the same timezone so it was not a bother.

"Everything okay?" I asked him. 

Asking him the question became a habit because I was not the only one who lost a child. He lost his child too and it took me some time to tell it so the information was still fresh to him.

"I'm fine..." He answered and there was silence again.

I just buried my face on the pillow that I was hugging. This soft thing can give me the warmth and comfort that I was seeking. I can't give it to myself because I was a cold, dead person. 

"Tarzan, if you need someone, I'm here. Okay?" I comforted him. "I'm sorry that it happened. I really am. And it is difficult. You have feelings too."

"I'm fine. Really." He answered. "It's just that, I feel lonely and empty. I don't know what to do, Faye."

"I'm sorry..." 

My hugs on the pillow tightened as if I was imagining it as Michael. I just wanted to hug him tightly.

"I am still crying every night, Tarzan." I confessed because ever since I told him about our baby, my tears just loved to torture me. "It sucks. I just want it to stop. I don't want to cry anymore but it hurts even more if I'm stopping them."

"Then don't stop your tears." He suggested. "Let them take your pain away."

"Is that how you do it? Are you crying too?"

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