12 - Second Glass, Second Chance

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Slowly, we explored each other's mouth as the very erotic and intense feeling is creeping through our veins. I moved my body without breaking our kiss to face him and deepen our hungry kisses. His hands crept on my back, exploring my skin underneath my shirt. My arms found their way around his neck as my legs settled at the opposite sides of his body. My hands played with his very soft curls while he continued to devour my throbbing lips.

I moaned his name when his lips travelled from my lips down to my neck. He nibbled on my skin, leaving trails of kisses all over my neck before he reached my earlobe, biting and sucking it until I moaned his name again.

He guided my body gently until my back rested on the mattress. My legs are wrapped around his hips while he is hovering on top of me, giving his rough kisses. I kissed him back with the same intensity that I can already feel the numbness of my own lips. 

I nibbled his bottom lip before I opened my mouth to give him more access to my warm taste. Our tongues swayed like a fencing sword while his left hand is exploring my sides and his right hand is caressing my throat.

He bit my bottom lip and pulled it with his teeth before he stood on his knees to remove his white shirt. The thin fabric revealed his toned, caramel body. His slim but strong muscles, a product of long years of dancing and performing, flexed due to his minimal body movements.

He hovered on top of me again and showered me with longing and rough but passionate kisses. My hands roamed around his tensed frame, appreciating how his muscles move with the rhythm. We rolled over until we fell on the floor, with me on top of him.

He moved his upper body closer to mine while I'm still towering him. He removed my white shirt, revealing my skintoned lace bra. We kissed hungrily again before he trailed his lips back to my neck while his hands are groping my breasts. I let my head fall back, listening to the force from a grabful of my hair in his hand, while the intense feeling is bringing me over the roofs.

I brushed my fingers through my hair while the pleasure from our grinding sexes is setting the whole room on fire. His strong hands settled on my hips while his warm mouth trailed from my neck down to my cleavage. I felt his tongue brushing my skin and even with my bra still on, my nipples responded to his warm touch. His mouth played with my mountains despite of the thin cloth that is covering them.

I cupped his cheeks and guided his face back to my gazes. I kissed him with the same intensity that he is giving me which caused my soul to leave my earthly body. 

It all happened just by kissing him. 

We continued to grind our sexes and shared a tongue-tying kiss before he slowed down his kisses.

At first, I thought that he is just teasing but his kisses remained slow until he pulled away slowly from the kiss. He rested his forehead to mine and I closed my eyes as he did the same. Our heavy breathings filled the room and our chests are heaving from the extreme and fierce make out session that we shared.

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