96 - Different

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"Why are you wasting your time to light that freaking candle? Is it true that it is scented? It's just an aesthetic. Don't light it."

"Shhh... I'm trying to concentrate." Jesse mumbled, still giving his best to light those freaking candles.

I just exited from his room after dressing nicely and found him very busy with those scented candles in a shot glass stuff decoration. He was so into it that he was not yet looking at me.

Hello? I dressed nicely?

My black casual dress really looked nice?

"Love..." I called his attention again as I tapped his back gently.

We were kinda matchy matchy today. Just a coincidence, I think. My boyfriend was always dashing, may I just say. That folded black sleeved polo top really looked great on him. He was in all black and it suited him. 

I watched Jesse in amusement until he lighted those candles to which, I didn't know what was the purpose. I was just clinging on his body but he was not bothered by it. When none of the candles was blown off, that was the only time that his attention focused on mine.

Our eyes met and he looked stunned. His eyes roamed before he switched it back to my eyes. I was just smiling at him as I examined his reactions.

"Wow." He breathed.

"Yeah. Wow." I giggled, teasing him. "You were so focused at the candles."

"Sorry." He apologized. "You're so beautiful, love."

We smiled widely at each other when he snaked his hands around my waist to pull me closer to him. I wrapped my arms around his neck too as we both stared through our souls. He leaned closer and claimed my lips to which, I responded with the same passion.

"Wait. We are not alone." I giggled shyly.

My eyes observed the surroundings. We were in his home to celebrate my birthday. We just hired some people to decorate the place and prepare food for tonight's dinner. Nothing fancy. Just a simple celebration that Jesse was trying to hide to me for good days but I can just say that my sweet boyfriend was planning something.

With that, he didn't plan an actual surprise where he will require me to wear a blindfold so he can bring me here secretly and then surprise me with this beautiful atmosphere.

We were just fixing some stuff like lighting those scented candles while waiting for our guests. Our families will be here. All of them. Except one.

Actually, this was a post birthday celebration because we wanted everyone to be present and thankfully, we have this day to ourselves where everyone can celebrate with me. It's just been two days anyway. It just happened that Jesse and I were really busy to plan something for ourselves so we just pushed through with this event.

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