60 - Cure

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Happy New Year! ❤

Happy New Year! ❤

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I groaned in a frustrated manner when my soul came back to life. The sudden rush of tiredness consumed my body and my whole system felt heavy. 

I stretched my frame until all my nerves cracked. My eyes fluttered themselves as I am scratching my stomach despite of the cloth that is covering it.

Michael's red button down shirt is protecting my nakedness from the morning breeze. The sun is already at its peak based from the sunlight that is striking through the window.

With my tired and lazy body, I glanced to my right and saw Michael lying on his stomach. He is still in deep sleep and he is facing my direction. Even while sleeping, his whole ambiance looks peaceful. He remained topless too and his black boxers is peeking under the sheets.

"Are you awake?" 

I tried to whisper even though it is clear that he is still asleep because his cute snores are tickling my ears. I faced his direction too and gave his broad back some light kisses. Cuddling with him is not bad, right? I am trying my best not to wake him up as I embraced his body.

The ice cream container on the night stand caught my eyes. The vivid flashes of the melting strawberry ice cream on my skin came across my head. 

I was lying on my stomach as I let Michael enjoyed the ice cream against my skin. It felt sticky but it increased our lust for one another. We fucked each other the whole night until we were left breathless. 

I can't even remember when I fell asleep. I don't even know what I did before I went to sleep. This red shirt? I can't remember when I wore this fabric. My soul was so tired that it just wanted to have a rest to gain back the energy I lost during our intercourse.

What we've done last night is too much to take in. I'm actually surprised that I'm still alive today. Michael didn't waste any second and murdered my jewel last night. I can feel it throbbing right now and for sure, I'm a little sore.


I tilted my head up to meet Michael's beautiful eyes. His morning look could kill anyone despite of the fact that we got drunk last night and were pretty wasted because we consumed another bottle of wine to make things interesting.

"Good morning..." I smiled at him and kissed his upper arm because it is where my cheek is buried. "Did you sleep well?" I added and fixed his curls that are messing in front of his face.

"Mmm..." He hummed and the twinkling in his eyes complemented with the sunlight. "Feeling better?"

I nodded my head but suddenly, my head spinned and a poisonous acid streaked my stomach. I closed my eyes abruptly to control my spinning head but nothing can do.

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