62 - Overthinking

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What are we really doing?

Faye's question clouded my mind. When one heard it, it was just a simple question but why is it so hard to answer? Her words are bugging me even though she doesn't mean any harm. It is just me. Only me. I'm overthinking.

Am I overthinking?

Whatever it is, I honestly don't know the answer to her question. I hope I didn't pinch a nerve when I answered right away. I even blurted a nonsense response to her.

Faye just gave me a faint but sweet smile before she nodded her head as a gesture of understanding before she buried her face on my neck. I just cherished her warm presence over mine. 

We stayed that way for long minutes. We didn't speak. We didn't move.

She only moved and stared through my eyes again when I whispered to her the same question she asked me while brushing her soft hair with my fingers.

I tried to ask her too because, maybe, she got an answer but I think, we have the same notion. She just shook her head and smiled again. A smile that didn't reach her eyes. I know what she meant with that smile. She doesn't know the answer too.

We just shrugged the thoughts away like it didn't exist. However, we remained quiet as we cleaned and dressed ourselves. It is not awkward but it is not comforting either. It seemed like, the question itself changed a lot in the atmosphere.

I know...

We didn't talk about this specific scenario but we kinda agreed that it must stop. Well, we tried. We thought that it will go away on its own when I started my tour and be away from her again. 

We were wrong. We didn't try enough.

The situation only got worsen. But in a good way. 

I think.

"Tarzan..." She used her charms at me while she clung her hands around my arm and buried her cheek on my shoulder. "Where are we going?"

I smiled widely. I can't hide the smile on my face. We are on our way to the airport where my private jet is waiting. Yes, private jet. It's a secret. No spoilers.

"I'll tell you again for the hundredth time, it's a secret. Secret, Faye." I chuckled and kissed her forehead. She just pouted again and gave me a pleading look. 

No, I will not give in. 

Not today.

"I hate you."

"No, you don't." I answered and kissed her temple again. 

She remained clinging into my arms even though I didn't spill the secret. It should just be a short ride but with her, it feels like forever. I am cherishing every moment. Every second. That's how it supposed to be.

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