99 - Promise Me

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I felt a rush of tiredness and dizziness when I came to a stop for a few seconds. Today was a really busy day and a big event like this was keeping me rolling. We had a client who was having a huge birthday celebration for the big boss of their company so I can't afford to miss this party that I organized and planned myself even though my Tarzan was sick. He was still sleeping soundly in my bed when I left.

Oh. My Tarzan...

His fever died down overnight but his body remained warm and I noticed that he was having chills so I buried him with a blanket and hugged him myself. 

I didn't know what happened or why he was sick again. Maybe he was just so tired and stressed because his work was draining all his energy. Also, being away from his family for long period was depressing as fuck.

Suddenly, guilt consumed me.

I didn't mean it. I didn't mean to be bitchy and rude and mad or whatever. Maybe I just missed him so much and the frustrations to which, I couldn't tell him whatever I wanted was shitting the hell out of me. 

I just wanted to talk to my best friend and share everything that happened during my day. I wanted to hear his stories too but he was so busy and all, that even a single call was not giving me peace of mind. 

And he kissed me. He kissed me last night. 

The butterflies he owned inside of me rumbled too and the spark remained there however, it was just so wrong. It was so wrong at all levels. I fell in love with someone else and whatever feelings I had for Tarzan that caused me to be confused as hell were already buried in the precious land of London.

Our friendship didn't change. We were trying to be in that zone but it seemed like, we were having a bad time. Especially him. He was so quiet and strange last night. He couldn't even look me in the eye for long seconds. He was trying to distance himself. I knew that. I wasn't that numb.

But then, it was just the start. We just saw each other for the first time after that freaking Europe escape.

Just give us time. Give us time...

I received a message from Gia that Michael ran away from her care. I asked my sister to look after him while I was gone and I also promised that I will be home right away after I finished my work here but it seemed like, Gia's persuading powers didn't work on Michael.

He was still that stubborn child. Anyway, maybe he was feeling well already and he got the energy to leave my humble home as soon as possible. Before, he will stay there as long as he wanted but now, he was running away.

We didn't talk again after that. Days and days had passed but still, nothing. Not even a word. Not even a shadow.

I tried to call him at first but he was not responding. He didn't try to call either. We never got the chance to see each other again even though we were just both in town. I gave him the space that he wanted even if, technically, he was not asking for it in words.

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