38 - Five Seconds

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"So... what's the real deal between you and my brother?"

I gave Janet a questioning look as I didn't expect, I mean, I am not really expecting her question. Like never. 

Is she out of her mind?

No. I'm just kidding. I know that she will throw that question to me.

And who of the two brothers is she talking about? 

I'm confused.

"What do you mean?" 

I asked her in return as we continued to hit this freaking shuttlecock back and forth across the court. Michael's place really has its perks, huh? Thanks for the opportunity to give off some badminton sweat without paying any membership. Ha!

I am really acting stupid around Janet. Well, she doesn't know anything about Michael and I. We're not that stupid to let others know that we're fucking behind closed doors. They are always saying that our friendship is so close to being lovers and I am just rolling my eyes to that very shitty statement.

And now, we're fucking like crazy. We're fucking like bunnies in a grassland. We're as horny as wild animals during mating season.

We're not proud of that but yeah, Michael and I are fucking.

Is she asking about Michael?

"Oh come on! You know what I mean!" Janet yelled at me and that yell comes with a smashing hit.

"I don't know what you're talking about." I answered casually.

Janet glared at me and she just let the shuttlecock fell on the ground.

"Girl, I don't know about you but you and my brother has a serious chemistry. Don't try to deny or to even hide it." She arched his right brow before we started another rally.

"Yeah... Chemistry..." I chuckled that caused me to miss the shot. "The Jackson family never fails to say those things, Janet. Especially you. And my family is already teasing me about it too. Thanks to you again." I said and flicked a serve.

"Just do the Math, Faith. You and Mike are friends for like three years now and I've never seen a friendship like that." She continued to convince me about this hilarious thing. 

So she is talking about Michael then.

"It's too good to be true just to stay as friends. It's just me and you here, Faith. Tell me, are you in love with my brother?"

Did she just ask me that freaking question?

I'll be damned.

Janet knew very well how my friendship with Michael works. Everyone knows how comfortable we are to each other. We're so comfortable that it almost has no boundaries. My home is his home and his home is my home too. It works like that.

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