45 - She's Not

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I hate looking at the clock. It just keeps on reminding me that I need to leave again. That I will be in hell again. 

Having a trip around the world is a dream come true, only if you are there for a vacation. For me, that is not the case. I really love to perform for my fans around the world but touring is draining my soul.

I am man with no soul, roaming around the world. A man who has everything but still, he has nothing. A man who feels empty. A man who can't have the peace he wants because he is a public figure. No one is giving a damn about his privacy.

That is why, these past few days, my heart is very full and contented. There is really no place like home and to be with my family is the best feeling ever.

My short break from tour gave me almost two weeks to rest. And that two weeks also gave me a three-sixty turn of my relationship with Faye.

Everything happened just because of our bad choices but now, it is happening like it's just a part of our daily lives.

Faye being involved with Jesse is not helping too.

I fucked it up, didn't I?

I know very well that my brother is trying to work some things out with Faye but here I am, dragging her to a nasty circus.

It's not a mortal sin but I guess, a brothers' code? Perhaps?

Jesse never talked to me about it. He never mentioned it to me. Not that he needs to share it but it's just... I don't know. Because Faye is my person?

I was not surprised when I heard that Jesse confessed his feelings to Faye but I still felt my heart clenched due to unknown reason.

I always knew that it will happen but still, I am not ready.

That would be good, you know. If ever they'll be together, I know that they are both in good hands. I don't need to worry because they are great people.

Maybe, I am afraid too.

When the time comes that Faye found her romantic partner, I'm still her Tarzan. That will never change.

But we can't change the fact that I cannot go to her home unannounced anytime I want. We cannot share the bed the way we used to. I cannot just hug and kiss her anymore.

That's a lot of change for me.

No. Not the sex. It is a different story.

Call me selfish and unfair but can you blame me?

She is my solace, my home, my comfort.

But then, Faye didn't tell me what really happened between her and Jesse. I don't wanna ask either. She just told me that it doesn't feel right but that's all I know.

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