109 - I'm Here

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Despite the frequent gentle reminders about the nature of this work, for everybody's sake, even it will spoil the chapter,

cw // baby

tw // pregnancy , miscarriage

tw // pregnancy , miscarriage

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I didn't waste any time. 

She needed me and I needed her. My heart never stopped from beating loudly and my mind kept on feeding me with negativities.

Jesse told me that Faye was staying with Mamu and Gia that was why I went to their home in hopes that Faye will now talk to me in peace. I remained positive despite the bad signals I kept on receiving.

We can fix this. We can pass through this.

"Michael?" Gia greeted me when she opened the door. Obviously, she was surprised to see me. 

"Gia, sorry for showing up out of the blue. I'm just uhh," I breathed, not really sure what to say. "Is everything okay? I just want to see her. Is Faye here? Jesse told me that she is staying here."

"Oh. Faith. Of course." She said and it was like, was she nervous? "Uh, she's not here. She's staying here but she's not here right now. Please, come in."

"Where is she?" I asked and appreciated the hospitality but I just want to know where is Faye right now so I can meet her.

"She is uhm..."

"Gia, please tell me." 

I pleaded. I begged. I was so desperate to know her whereabouts. I want to see and check on her myself.
"Okay, uhm," Gia had hesitations but she gave in. "She is a volunteer in Haven. She is there right now. I don't know if it is a great idea to see her, Michael. I don't know how she will react if she sees you. It's been a while..."

"We already talked, Gia, but I need to see her again. Can you please tell me what is really happening?"

"Oh. You two already talked?"

I nodded my head.

"But I don't know a thing. I'm clueless. Can you help me? Please, tell me."

"I can't, Michael." Her face showed that it was against her will. "I don't know if it is a great idea but she is in Haven. Please, be patient with her. We already did what we can but, I hope, you can help her. She needs you..."

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