37 - Obvious

266 10 37

I hope everything is still making any sense. This story is a little experimental and my first ever 'full-blown' novel. I just wanna show some, maybe, emotions and connections through random chapters that I think, is crucial to the major story arc. Please enjoy this short chapter :)



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"Good morning, sweetie." 

I squealed when Michael greeted me with that disgusting endearment he called me last night. He kissed me on my cheek too as he hugged me from behind.

"You're so gross. You know that?" I hissed at him playfully but he just let out his high-pitched giggles.

I am on my way to the kitchen but since this cutie interrupted my peace, I have no choice but to stop walking. 

Well, I still tried to move but Michael won't let me.

His friendly backhug is very calming anyway.

"Good morning to you too, Tarzan." He chuckled at me, mocking, because I didn't greet him.

"Good morning yourself." I murmured and tried to remove his hands from my stomach. "Get off of me, Tarzan."


"No?" I arched my brows.

"No." He answered so I looked at him over my shoulder.

I tried to walk again but his weight is making it very difficult to move. 

Okay. Let's go for that very effective Plan B again.

My hands reached for his sides and tickled him. His hands untangled around my stomach as quick as a lightning.

"Faye! Stop!" He giggled when his body avoided my tickles. His hands gripped on my hips too.

"Why so ticklish?" I teased him as I let my hands wandered, hoping to tickle him again.

"Stop moving your hands." He chuckled.

"Or what?" I challenged. "Or what?"

"Stop moving your hands before you can touch a body part that you don't wanna touch."

I blushed instantly and my hands froze.

He is talking about that big, thick, and skillful stick, isn't he?

"Oh." The only word I muttered. Is that even a word?

He intertwined his fingers to mine and rested it again on my stomach as he gave me that comforting backhug again.

"Or..." He whispered to my ear. "Maybe, you secretly want to touch that body part again, hmm?"

"Horny as shit again, Tarzan?" I mocked him. 

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