108 - Urgent

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The trees were swaying. The wind was blowing. The birds were chirping. The clouds were dancing. The sun was shining.

Everything was beautiful. The nature was beautiful. Then, there was me. There was so much emotions inside of me that I didn't know anymore what emotions were dominating inside of me.

All I knew, my heart was being tortured.

I knew that she asked me to give her peace but I really had this feeling that I should have stayed. I wanted to let her know that I would stay with her. We could talk or I could just simply stay with her. I should have just been there. With her. Even in silence.

She can use me as her emotional punching bag. I can take it. She can curse me. She can punch me or hurt me. Anything. I can take it. I will accept all of it.

She can lean on me. She can cry on my shoulders. She can be goofy with me or we can laugh to anything that we found funny. She can bitch at me or I can just tell her stories. I will listen to her. All my attention will be on her. She would be my sole focus. She would not need to worry about me judging her.

I knew her. I accepted all of her...

"Are you okay, Mike?"

Janet emerged from nowhere and joined me in my solace. It was really nice to have a place where you can just sit and watch the nature.

"I think I am. Not really sure about it though." I confessed without glancing at her even though I could see that her eyes were at me.

"I really don't know a thing, Michael. I'm just all about talk and talk but I respect it so much if you and Jesse chose not to tell us something about it. I'm just worried. We are just worried..."

"Thank you, Janet." I looked at her and held her hand. "Thank you for being here. I appreciate it so much."

"Of course. We're always here. If you need us or even when not, we're here..."

I smiled at her as an appreciation before I switched my gaze back to the nature. I was trying to clear my thoughts but it was engulfing my whole existence.

"Faye. She is very mad at me." I whispered and noticed that Janet looked at my direction again but I didn't meet her eyes. "We hit a bump and that didn't end well so we stopped talking. That whole month, we never talked. No one tried."

Janet just listened to me. She didn't say a thing. She just let me continue my story.

"It was my fault to why we ended badly. Something happened in between us and there was so much stuff inside of me that I can't control so I told her that we should stop from being friends." I said and noticed that Janet gasped as a reaction. "Since she is with Jesse, I need to distance myself because I don't trust myself anymore..."

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