19 - Compliments to the Chef

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I opened my eyes feeling refreshed and very positive as I stretched my body as hard as possible that caused my nerves to crack instantly. I rolled my naked frame on the bed - yes I am still naked, only to find out that the other side of the bed is already empty.

As a softie, who woke up from a wonderful sleep, I hugged and snuggled his pillow to inhale all his scent. A smile crept to my face upon remembering the playful circus we shared last night or more accurate to say, until the dawn breaks.

I know that Michael is still here. That he didn't leave. His stuff is still in the corner and I can smell the familiar aroma from the kitchen. The smell alone is making my stomach rumble.

I get off from the bed and marched my way towards the closet. I wore my panties and grabbed one of Michael's button down shirts. The red one. I love the red one. I wore the red one that reached the half of my thighs.

I didn't bother to comb my hair too. I brushed my fingers through my hair to relax it. Then, I buttoned the shirt to hide my breasts and my underwear before I went through the bedroom door.

It feels like weekend when I opened the door and the very familiar scent invaded my nostrils right away. Michael did promise me that he will make some french toast for me and I think, he made some today.

"Good morning." I whispered and pursed my lips when I saw Michael standing against the counter with a white shirt and boxers on. 


"Good morning." He glanced at my direction and smiled beautifully.

I went to the bathroom first to do my morning rituals before I approached him in the counter who is still busy preparing some breakfast. I hugged him from behind and roamed my hands on his chest and his stomach.

"That smells good." I murmured against his skin while snuggling my nose on his back. "You smell so good."

"I'm guessing that you had a very good sleep." He chuckled. 

"Mmm..." I answered. My lips sprinkled kisses around his back while I tightened my hug around his frame.

I heard Michael's chuckles and he wiped his hands using the white kitchen towel before he faced me. I adjusted my hands and I am still embracing him even he is now already facing me.

"Hi." He smiled and rested his hands on my hips.

"Hi." I grinned at him as I placed my head on his chest.

"Strawberries?" He offered and I tilted my head so I can have a taste of the berry. I let my mouth enveloped the strawberry in his hand before I bite the half. Michael ate the other half.

"It tastes so sweet."

"Mmm..." He hummed while looking straight to my eyes. "Just like your lips."

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