97 - Missing Piece

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My whole world stopped when her beautiful brown eyes met mine. I did not expect that it would be this hard. I wanted to regret my decision already. In my mind, being in here was a huge mistake.

A huge damn mistake.

Is it too late to back out now?

I should have just stayed where I was, miles and miles away from everyone.

"Michael? Tarzan?" She called my name again and her tone expressed her disbelief as if I was just an apparition.

Her eyes widened, still can't believe that I am in front of her right now. She got frozen on her spot. I got frozen on my spot too. I refused to believe that this is happening either. It's just two months after we separated ways in London.

It's been two months since I let go of her because that was the best thing to do.

Her mouth moved but no words escaped from her sweet lips. I noticed that she was shaking a little. Her eyes were full of emotions that I can't decipher.


She lost it. She hugged me real tight. The embrace was so tight that she almost break my spine. She buried her face on my neck, inhaling all my scent. She didn't move. She just cherished the moment all to herself.

My heart was beating loudly and I hoped, she cannot feel or hear it against my chest. It was so loud that it wanted to rip out of my ribcage. It was too much. And intense. There was like a flame dancing inside my chest and for every movement, there was rumbling and thundering.

She found the comfort in hugging me but me? My hands were frozen in the air, not knowing where to go. I just kept on opening and closing my fists like an exercise after my long hours of rehearsal. My mind was full of doubts and hesitations. I should be hugging her back, comforting her system while brushing her hair but I can't do that. 

There was nothing wrong with the gesture but I just could not find the strength to be all friendly and sweet to her right now. I am afraid that I will melt like a butter under her arms if I will let my guards down.

I can't do that. She is happy. I can be happy. For her. For them.

Faye broke the hug just to stare at me, her hands on my chest. Her eyes were glassy as she examined my facial features. Her expressions told me that she was still absorbing the fact that I surprised her. She cupped my cheeks and her thumbs caressed my face.

I got to admit. If I am a bad guy, I already kissed her right here, right now. But I didn't. It is not right.

"Tarzan..." She whispered and hugged me again. 

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