64 - Promise

377 8 15

consider this as a bonus smut chapter :)

consider this as a bonus smut chapter :)

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I am just lying on this king size bed, wearing my lovely pajamas, while reading my favorite romance novel. Of course, even when I'm abroad, I'm still into romance book because who knows what I'm going to do during my free time, right? I just bought this book when I was strolling with my colleagues in the streets of London.

Like now, I have nothing to do because Michael is still having the shower of his life. I can hear his voice from here because he is singing and humming an unfamiliar song. Maybe, he is composing a new song or he is just singing another artist's song that I'm not familiar with.

Whatever it is, I can tell that he is enjoying his shower session and I have nothing against it. He can take a shower for two hours if he wants and I will not hold it against him. He is free to do anything.

After our little argument about sharing a room earlier, we had a little tour of the house. We rested for a short while too before we jumped on the beach and enjoyed the breezy air and salty ocean of Barcelona. 

Michael even requested to have a dinner set-up at the front porch and we ate until our tummies are full. We didn't have any proper meal today except to that dinner so it is very understandable if we ate a lot.

We really had a good time on the beach and the time we spent together is priceless. Michael even wrestled with me in the water because I tried to drown him playfully.

We were just being child-like and that's what we are always doing especially when I am staying in his home. We love throwing pranks at each other but of course, with safety. 

There is this one time that I just took a shower after our super soaker fight but when I met them outside, he threw a bucket of water at me so I was wet again. I was so furious at him so I pushed him in the pool and cracked an egg on his head as a revenge.

Oh, the good old times...

That's just one of the things I love about him. He is childish but mature at the same time. He could be that annoying kid but after a second, he could switch to the sweetest guy one could ever meet.

Michael has the widest range. Not just in vocals but in personalities too. One second you're with Michael as in Michael, the normal guy, but the next second, you're with the greatest performer ever.

Oh well...

I'm used to it. I'm not complaining.

As I am in the middle of a budding romance in my freaking book, I heard that the bathroom door opened and the shower scent filled the room. I didn't glance at him but I could tell that he is being happy because he is still humming and the ambiance is cheerful and jolly.

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