59 - Sweet

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The room is oozing a romantic vibe. It is dim and only the orange lights are on just like last night. The moonlight is striking through the window because of the half-opened curtain. A soft melody is playing in the background too.

My back is still resting on the wall as I am using Michael as my source of balance. My head is spinning but it is not because of the alcohol in my veins. It is because of Michael's sweet, passionate, and mindblowing kisses.

Unlike in the elevator, our kisses are now hungry and demanding. I can literally feel my lips being numb and swollen and we just barely started. We are like birds who are fighting for a sweet berry. 

Most of the time, my hands are resting on his broad shoulders or to his arms. On the contrary, Michael is not wasting any second to touch even the smallest detail of my body. His hands are roaming all over my frame. I'm not complaining though. I love his hands on my skin.

I inhaled sharply as I tilted my head up. Michael switched his lips from my own down to my neck. He nibbled my skin that will surely leave a sweet mark. 


I moaned in pleasure as I let my hands brushed through his soft, curly hair. I guided his head closer to my skin if ever it is still possible.

"What do you want, baby?" 

Michael breathed against my skin and his warm breath sent shivers to my spine. He left a trail of kisses from my shoulder blades up to my jawline before he stopped kissing me so he could stare through my eyes.

"Kiss me." 

That was my request to him even though we never stop from kissing not until now. A sweet smirk crept out from his lips and he leaned closer to me so he could give me a lovable kiss. Our lips touched for five seconds and that teasing kiss really left me wanting for more.

So much more...

My eyes challenged his gaze as a small smile escaped from my lips. My hands caressed his shoulders and his chest. 

Slowly, I unbuttoned his shirt without removing my gaze from him. He let me do my work until I removed his blue button down and his white shirt from his body. He already removed his shiny jacket earlier.

My hands trailed again on his skin and unconsciously, I am chewing my bottom lip as I let myself be drowned under his brown irises. His right hand caressed my left cheek that caused me to close my eyes, absorbing the comforting warmth from his touches.

My grip tightened on his shoulders when I felt his lips against mine. There is no rush in the kiss. We are taking it slow, savoring the taste of one another's lips. My hands crept back to his curls again and played with them. We both pulled away from the kiss to gasp for air and also, to stare at each other's eyes once more.

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