11 - Reflection

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"Faith! Come on! Let's dance!"

Charlotte shouted her invitation while grabbing me from my seat. Apparently, after we had our overtime work and dinner in the office, Charlotte and our colleagues are very serious about going to the bar near our office building.

And yeah. They successfully dragged me in this dark and loud bar too.

It's just a casual drink. It's another way of removing the work stress in our systems. Based from my observations, no one is getting drunk. Every one of us is just enjoying the loud music and having a bottle or two is not harmful either.

I accepted Charlotte's invitation to the dance floor and we danced with an upbeat music in the background. I already had several shots too but I don't care. I'm not yet drunk or tipsy. Plus, after this dance, I'm going home anyway. 

Suddenly, I remembered Michael's existence. He said that he'll come over after their rehearsals. I don't know what time he'll come home though. He is usually coming home late when it's about work that's why I am not expecting him to be at my unit at this hour. It's not yet midnight.

I already checked my phone before having a blast on the dance floor. No messages. No calls. I know  that he is very busy so I didn't bug him. It's just my instinct that helped me to come to a conclusion that he is not home yet. 

Why am I thinking about him anyway?

He'll show up if he wants to show up. Anytime of the day. Or night. He'll show up.

"Stop thinking about him! He'll be okay!" Charlotte whispered to my ear before she winked at me.

I got confused for a second. What is she saying?

"What?" I screamed because the music is still loud. 

"He will be okay. Just relax." She chuckled before she grabbed my hands and we shared a spin.

"What Michael has to do with this?"

"I didn't say anything about Michael. You said it yourself."

"Then who is 'he'?" I asked her with my arched brows.

"Nothing in particular. But it seemed like, Michael is the first 'he' in your mind so..." She smirked before she enjoyed the music again.

I groaned.

Okay. Maybe she's right. But I think, Michael is not just the first 'he'. He is the first person who comes into my mind.

We both dropped the topic and we just let ourselves drowned in the middle of the dance floor. I don't have any regrets that I agreed to come here even though my original plan is just to rest on my very own couch while watching my favorite TV show. I will grab some pasta in my favorite resto too before going home but instead, I'm here in the middle of the dance floor, drowning myself with alcohol rather than my last dose of caffeine for the day.

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