26 - Sweetest

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"How's everything, Faith? Is life treating you good?"

Mama Kathy hummed softly at me while we are resting together on a lounge couch near the pool.

"Yes." I smiled widely. "Life is great. I'm happy."

I confessed to Mama that I am happy because I am really happy right now. We are both watching everyone in the pool especially the kids who are giving Naomie and Janet a hard time. 

Jesse and Anthony are taking care of the barbecue while Randall is hovering around the feast table and offering everyone the food to which he claimed that he only tasted. Quality control, he said.

And Michael? I don't know what is keeping him busy inside the main house. He'll just show himself whenever he wants.

"How about work?" Mama followed up.

I stared at the dark sky before I glanced at Mama's smiling and comforting face.

"Work is heaven, Mama. I can practice my passion and earn money at the same time." I chuckled and she did too. "I'm also thankful that we're not overbooked because if ever, I cannot join your lovely family here today." 

"We're lucky, then." She smiled and I moved closer to her so I can hug her arm like a lovely Mama she is.

"Very lucky." I grinned.

"Michael is always sharing stories about you and he never fails to assure me that you're always okay." Mama smiled wider.

"I hope Tarzan is just sharing the good things."

"Always the good things." She laughed. "You make him happy, Faith. I can see that everytime he is telling stories about you."

"Aww..." I pouted playfully. "Michael is being a softie."

"He is a soft one."

"Agreed." I chuckled.

"Is he treating you right? Tell me if Michael is misbehaving. I'll knock his head." Mama warned that made me chuckle.

If only they knew, Michael and I are both misbehaving.

"Michael is the sweetest, Mama." I said as I glanced at the stars. "A little playful and immature sometimes but we're good." I smiled. "Really good."

"That's good to hear." Mama muttered as she squeezed my hand. "But the thing that I wanted to hear from you,"

She left her sentence hanging so I tilted my head to glance at her.

"When I can meet your boyfriend?"

My eyes widened. 

"Mama!" I whisper-yelled and embarrassment started to consume me. I can feel my burning cheeks too.

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