63 - Tight Hug

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"Wake up, sleepy head."

A shine of light hit my soul again as an angelic voice is comforting my existence. I inhaled deeply and knitted my eyebrows when my consciousness came back to my senses.

"Are we there yet?" I murmured under my breath but my eyes remained closed. A soft lips touched my temple too.

"Almost there. So wake up. You don't wanna miss this."

"Miss what?" I fluttered my eyes and met Michael's brown and gentle stares when I tilted my head up.

I remained in the same position. My head is still on his shoulder and our hands are intertwined. The only difference is, my arms are clinging to his arm so I can sleep comfortably and peacefully. His aroma is dancing with my sense of smell and I will never get tired of that specific scent.

"The beautiful sky. And the place where we are going to land." He answered patiently and gave me a warming smile.

"I'm sorry I fell asleep." I said and snuggled on his arm again because it is so comforting.

"It's okay."

"Did you sleep too? Or a nap or something?" 

I met his gaze again and he just shook his head. I was going to say something but Michael pinched my cheek right away and smiled at me. He knows very well what I was going to say.

"I had the much needed rest, don't worry." He assured me. "I can sleep later anyway. Look, we're here."

Michael used his lips to point at the sceneries that we could see through the window. My vision switched to the window and I saw that we are like frozen in a certain space.

"How long did I sleep?" I asked because the last time I checked, we had sex in the bathroom and that happened when we were just spending 30 minutes above the clouds.

"Like an hour, I guess. More than an hour."

"Why you didn't wake me?" I inquired and unclasped our fingers so I can have a better view of the landscape.

"You must be tired so I let you rest. At least, someone is not being bitchy at me." He chuckled and that made me threw daggers at him.

"Bitchy..." I scoffed at him. "It's your fault anyway."

"How is this my fault?"

"Well..." I thought for a moment before I looked at him. "We woke up at noon and it's just five in the afternoon right now but we already had..." I left my sentence hanging and he just arched his brows, waiting for my next words. "We had sex, three times in five hours."

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