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Undoubtedly, this is one of the best things that happened in my life. Seeing those sweet smiles painted on their lips? That's priceless. Nothing can make my heart this full. That's how the children's smiles can do to me. I am actually so proud of myself that I didn't bring one home. I kinda planned it but no. I'm still sane.

Since we visited a hospital, we met a lot of critically ill kids. I don't wanna enumerate the evil diseases that hugged them in their early years. Those diseases took their childhood away. Those are taking their lives away. If only these kinds of diseases have a cure or vaccines, maybe, we are in a better place.

I tried to be happy. I tried to tattoo a huge smile on my face while talking and playing with them. But somewhere, in the farthest part of my heart and my brain, I am wrecking. 

I hugged them as tightly as I could. I also hugged their parents and their families the same way. If only I can do something about it, I will do it. But it seemed like, when science and life get in your way, you have nothing to do but to have some faith and believe that everything will be okay.

I was secretly wiping my sight when the tears were starting to well up in my eyes. I don't know how Michael can do it because he seemed okay but I know, his heart was wrecking too. 

He already helped a lot of children. And he is still helping a lot more. He is helping them by paying their medical bills, providing whatever they need, anything. Since he cannot help everyone, he is doing this. Michael is visiting a lot of hospitals as much as he can. He is giving away gifts that can put a huge smile on the kids' faces. 

But then, his presence alone is like having the presence of an angel. Just like the name himself.

From what I know, he is donating to the hospital too. He is donating a generous amount of money to help in the healing process of the patients. Procure some advanced technologies or use it as a research fund. Whatever it is, I hope that the money is put to good use. 

And I believe in that.

This day was really exhausting but fulfilling. We visited four hospitals today and even though we wanted to visit more, the time was already stretched out. We were cherishing every moment in every hospital and I don't wanna end it. Honestly.

Aside from the children, Michael made my heart happy too. There was a priceless smile on his face and I know, that this is what his heart really wants. He will never get tired of helping and caring. 

Michael really has a big and kind heart.

And I'm very proud of him.

I'm so proud that I can't explain it perfectly. I can't put it into words. His humanitarian efforts are really warming my heart.

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