83 - Stay

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Few more chapters before we move on to the next phase of this story. I know, this story is not moving fast and some developments are taking some time to happen. Again, it is experimental and I sticked to the original and made minor changes instead of merging/removing chapters. I hope I'll still see you in the next phase until the ending and, from what I could sense, readers love Michael and Faye to end up together (?) Together Again, it is :)

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The white ceiling was really interesting to stare at, huh?

I was just staring at it whenever I was resting my eyes from watching. Michael turned on the television because we were not yet sleepy and we had nothing to do aside from talking nonstop. The wonderful thing about our conversation was that, it was spontaneous and endless. We always have something to talk about.

"What are you doing?" I warned him.

Half of my body was resting on top of him. My head was on his shoulder and my right leg was over his thighs. We also stacked a good number of pillows to elevate our heads so we can watch the television in peace.

"I'm doing nothing." He played innocently.

"Nothing? Then why your hand is on my boob?" I accused.

His left arm was underneath my body because my head was resting on his upper arm earlier before I switched on to his shoulder. Now, that evil hand of his was holding my breast. His touch was actually harmless. His skin was just on my skin. Just like what he said, he was doing nothing. But then, I didn't have a brassiere that was why my nipples were kinda sensitive to his touch.

By the way, he remained topless and when my sight got a glimpse of the thing inside his boxers, it was starting to wave at me.

Oh. I see...

"It's just an accident." He giggled but his hand remained on my boob. "I thought it's a pillow."

"Pillow, huh? Because it's soft and you love to snuggle it?" I humored so he blushed like a ripe tomato. "Aww... Someone is blushing." I teased and poked his cheek, still laughing.

"I'm not blushing." He argued but his cheeks were so red.

"Come here. I'm gonna kiss you." I offered but he just pouted at me. "Why? My baby is shy?"

"Don't baby me." He hissed and it was so obvious that he was just trying to hide his wide smiles.

I flashed my white teeth and embraced his frame while looking at his brown, doe eyes. His eyes were really something, huh?

"Aww. My baby is cute. Too cute." I cooed and continued to pinch and poke his soft cheek. "Come on. Kiss." I giggled and leaned to kiss the corner of his mouth.

Together Again (A Not So Romantic Lovestory) || Michael JacksonWhere stories live. Discover now