94 - Heart Eyes

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"Auntie Faith!"

My grin widened even more when the kids yelled my name in unison and ran to our direction right away. Jesse and I just arrived and when I landed my feet on this precious ground, the lovely kids didn't waste any time to greet me.

And I loved how they greeted me first before their loving Uncle Jesse.

"Hi!" I cheered and squated to welcome their warm embraces with open arms. "I miss you. I miss you so much." 

"We miss you too, Auntie!"

"I miss you too!"

Their giggles put a huge smile on my lips as I hugged them one by one and kissed their cheeks too. 

"And these kisses and hugs are from Uncle Doo-Doo!" 

As promised, I kissed and hugged the kids for him. Yeah, him. I didn't forget about his requests, of course. Maybe, that was his reason for calling me earlier. He tried to call me after numerous days of ignoring me. I was not sure about the ignoring part but whatever.

I didn't call him back because... I just didn't call him back, okay? He didn't call again anyway so I just took my time and enjoyed my happy morning with my handsome boyfie.

Actually, we were already late. We arrived late. They were waiting for us for the past two hours but we just arrived now. Why? Come on! Jesse and I just spent our special night for the first time so we woke up in a very happy bubble!

And no one can burst it because we are so happy and sweet and loving. We are practically glowing.

I love this feeling. Very. How come I didn't experience it before?

"Ugh! Finally!" Naomie scoffed at me before hugging me tightly.

"Hello to you too!" I giggled.

"Two hours late! Really?" She teased me again, grinning from ear to ear. "Look at you! You are so beautiful!"

"Come on..." I discouraged her compliments. "I might believe it! Stop!"

"I'm saying the truth though." She arched her brows and poked my sides. Naomie leaned closer to me too so she can whisper something. "And no one cares if you arrived late. You don't also need to explain it to me because I know..." She assured and backed away from me. "I know..."

I blushed furiously but she just grinned and hugged me again.

This feels new to me. Everything. Before, when I was attending any events of this family, it was Michael who was bugging me to come. Either I will drive myself or Michael will personally show up to pick me up. Now, it is very different. Michael is not here and I am with Jesse. I arrived with Jesse. With Jesse.

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