117 - Real Dream

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The weather was gloomy and chilly. The sky was also dark and anytime from now, the rain will pour. The lightning kept on painting the sky with bright lines. The thunder roared too but it was not enough to scare the young ones.

I just stared on my window, watching God's gift of nature however, the beautiful scenery can't make me calm because there was something inside of me that kept on whispering that there was something wrong.

I'll be on tour again and I'll leave tomorrow. The sadness in my system was evident especially that Faye will go home today. She was actually downstairs, preparing to leave but I refused to watch her walking away. 

My insides were rumbling. She was still here but why I had this idea that something bad will happen? The weather was not giving me a good sign too. The sky mimicked my thoughts. It was unclear and dark.

Even before I go insane because of this unexplainable thoughts, I sprinted downstairs so I can see her one more time. The rain was now pouring but I didn't give a damn.


I approached her without thinking about the rain. She was on her way to her car but I stopped her. The raindrops were intense that it made my hair and shirt wet instantly. It was not raining hard but the droplets were enough for one to stay under the roofs.

"Tarzan? Why are you,"

Her face was full of confusions and worry. She can't find the right words how to explain my presence in front of her. She tried her best to protect ourselves with the umbrella but I moved it towards her so she was more protected.

"Dummy! You'll might get sick!" She yelled and we shared the umbrella once again.

"I don't want you to get sick." 

"That's why I am holding an umbrella!" She argued with me but she calmed down. "Why are you here?"

I attempted to talk but I didn't really know why I chased her so I can't give her an answer but then, I needed to be honest with my feelings.

"Why I have this feeling that you're saying goodbye?"

That's what I told her. I really had that feeling and I didn't want to hide it. I wanted to let her know that I had that instincts. Despite my seriousness, Faye just pouted and eventually, she smiled widely. She was this cheery and happy woman once again.

"You will leave. For your tour. I'm not saying goodbye, Tarzan. What did I say to you earlier?" She asked me. "I told you, I'll see you later. I'll see you in a month." Faye assured me as she tucked my curls behind my ear.



She comforted me and I felt my whole system calmed down. Her bright smiles washed my worries away. Even the rain, it stopped for a while but we remained under the umbrella.

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