36 - Space

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The moonlight and the stars from above, as well as the lights from the outside, can bring enough brightness to a dim room. Before, the faint ambiance of the space was perfect for a dull night but now, it became an aesthetic to bring the silhouettes into life.

I let myself to enjoy the feeling of his lips brushing mine. His soft lips never fail to give calmness to my whole existence. It is like a magical touch that can kiss my worries away. A some kind of pixie dust that will let me fly if I will just believe.

The smacking sound of our lips continued to linger in the silent room. I wrapped my arms around his neck tightly, making sure that he won't go away, as the kiss became hungrier and hungrier. 

I found it harder to breathe since gasping for air is becoming an optional thing. Tasting each other's sweetness is the top priority right now.

Michael remained kneeling in front of me. His vibe is soft but the way he is dominating the gesture is drowning me, the way his presence is towering me. He can easily put my body on the bed and let himself hover on top but he chose not to do that. 

Not yet.

His lips detached from my sweet mouth and I gasped, using the opportunity to breathe for the needed air while his lips moved towards my neck. My eyes also remained closed to absorb the pleasure that he is giving me.

I grabbed on to his shirt tightly that I can almost rip it when his lips found my sweet spot. A soft moan escaped from my mouth as Michael continued to work his magic on my neck, kissing and nibbling my skin.

Our lips met again and our tongues are dancing to a familiar rhythm. I brushed my fingers to his soft, untied curls as his large hands explored underneath my t-shirt, having a good contact on my shivering skin.

He interrupted the kiss to remove my shirt from my body, revealing my naked skin. I thought I'm gonna sleep alone tonight so I let my brassiere to have a night off.

His eyes twinkled with adoration and desire and the intensity of his gazes is making me conscious about my nakedness. 

Without my knowledge, I crossed my arms on my chest to hide my mountains and some parts of my skin which still has purple marks from last night. I broke my gazes from him too and stared to my right side, seeing nothing.

Michael caressed my upper arms softly as he showered my neck with his gentle kisses.

"You're beautiful..." He whispered against my skin and his breath added shivers to my spine.

He stopped kissing me and his left hand caressed my right cheek.

"Look at me..." He pleaded.

His sweet, soft voice gave me the courage to look at his brown eyes. My heart melted at the sight. I don't know why but he just have that effect on me...

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