87 - My Angel

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Hey...! So sorry for my short (or long!) hiatus. I didn't see it coming that I'm going to experience stages of grief for my country. I'm in this situation called post-election stress (and even had a pre-election anxiety), so much for hoping for the best for the country and fellowmen but apparently, not because it is the best choice, it should happen today. This is not the end of the fight in fact, hopes are just starting to bloom for the future generation to pursue until it blooms, claiming what the country deserves. For now, I just know that the next six years would be tough.

I would just leave it to be aware of misinformation and disinformation because these matters alone could change the course of history — historical distortion and true democracy. And never ever stop from fighting because once the eyes are opened, it is a sin to close them again.

Anyway, I would try to drop chapters as frequently as I can since, I can't really wait for you to see the outcome of this story despite of my gentle reminders about the nature of this work.

I just hope we are ready for some heartbreaks in addition to our unending frustrations?




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I lost myself.

What the hell was I thinking? My mind became cloudy all of a sudden and the next thing I knew, she used her safe word!

Her fucking safe word!

I kept on pacing back and forth near the glass walls of the living room. I was so frustrated so I rested my left hand on my hip and my free hand tried to erase my own face. I was so mad at myself that even the blood that rushed through my groin earlier came back to their normal routes.


My eyes darted to the thing that I smashed on the floor. Was that a remote control? Do I need to pay for that thing too? I don't care anymore...

All I know, Faye should always comes first.

Our rented space remained dark because the curtains were blocking the sunlight that was trying to penetrate the glass walls. That's great though. The ambiance made my drama session more realistic.

"Fuck..." I groaned to myself again when I slouched my body on the couch. 

Cursing was not a thing of mine but I guess, it could save me from this cloudiness.

This day should be happy but I ruined it. Faye will leave today and I will be left alone again in this lonely world. I don't know how it happened but we promised that we will make this day happy. While she is here, at least. I'm very aware that I can't be happy afterwards.

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