3 - Private Collection

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"Do it, Michael! Ah!" I screamed at the top of my lungs when he pushed himself inside of me again.

"You like that, baby? Huh?" His deep voice tickled my skin.

I moaned once more when I felt his warm lips on my neck. His teeth played with my skin down to my shoulder blades.

"Shit! Oh gosh! That feels good!" I exclaimed as he is pumping me from behind.

My arms are spread across the bedroom wall, absorbing all the strength I needed from this lovemaking. Michael continued to slam my walls as his teeth are still playing with my shoulder blades and his hands are groping my breasts.

"Michael..." I rolled my eyes as the pleasure is taking over my system.

I don't even know how many orgasms I already experienced but one thing is for sure, I don't wanna stop. I can't get enough.

"Faye..." He moaned and his lips traced my bare back. "You're so beautiful... Beautiful..."

"Fuck, Michael! Why did you stop?!" I hissed at him when he stopped moving and pulled out his throbbing member from my core.

"Hush, baby." I heard him chuckled and he slapped my butt cheeks.

He turned me around so I can face him and he started to kiss me without mercy. He is kissing me hard. Hard enough to taste my own blood from my lips.

I felt another pang of pain again on my butt cheeks before I felt the cold wall against my back. My mouth opened but no words came out when he invited himself inside of me again. I buried my face on the crook of his neck while my nails are burying themselves on his back.

"You're doing great, bunny." He whispered to me and his lips comforted my muscle fibers.

His grip on my thighs are very strong that I think, it will leave some bruises after. It doesn't hurt but just by judging the intensity of this session, anything is possible.

"Michael..." I moaned once more when he lifted my right leg and settled it on his strong arm.

He continued to slam his member on my walls and I got pretty conscious at the way he is looking at me. He got those intense stares that I can't decipher. I tried to ignore his gazes but he is always guiding my chin so I can look at him too.

"Michael!" I screamed when he shifted himself and the angle hits differently.

I gave up kissing him because my heavy pantings are too much that I can already see another set of orgasm waving at me.

"That's right, Faye. Scream my name."

"Fuck me, Michael." I hissed when he slowed down a little, asking for more.

Together Again (A Not So Romantic Lovestory) || Michael JacksonWhere stories live. Discover now