14 - Snaps

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This story is slow-pacing and has a lot of unnecessary chapters. Please, bear with me. Lol



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My spirit came back to my body as the series of phenomenon flashed right through my eyes. My sight opened the moment my consciousness hit me like I just came from a some sort of a coma.

"Good morning." 

I blinked my eyes for numerous times when I heard a very gentle voice that made my morning complete already.

"Good morning." I murmured with my husky voice before I faced his direction.

I also heard a series of snaps until I realized that he is taking pictures of me. Oh God...

"Stop that..." I groaned playfully before I put my palm in front of the camera lens so he cannot take a shot of my face again.

He chuckled and removed his sight from the camera, revealing his beautiful smile and his fresh face. 

This man is very handsome. Pray for me.

Can I say, 'mine'? Can I bid?

I'm just kidding.

"What?" He gave me a playful look as he furrowed his eyebrows. "It's fun. It's beautiful. Don't you dare delete these." 

"Give me that." I said and tried to snatch the camera from him but he moved it away from me.

"No." He laughed.

"I'm just gonna take a look." I smiled at him but he's not believing my words. 

"Let's take a picture." He said and moved his body beside me, our heads are adjacent to one another. "Smile."

I smiled widely at the camera because that's what I genuinely feel right now. I am happy. My feelings will reflect through my eyes and my smiles.

"Perfect." I said when I heard the camera clicked. "Let me see." I demanded to him but he just stretched his long arm so I cannot reach the thing from him.

Okay. Plan B.

"Faye! Stop!" His high pitched giggles are blasting in the whole room as I tickled his sides.

I continued to tickle him until he slammed his back on the bed. The camera is still in his hand and he managed to get it away from mine. Despite of our naked bodies, I straddled on top of him and crept my hands all over his body until I snatched the camera from his hands.

"Oh God, Faye..." He whispered with his rapid breathings.

He is always the loser in the tickling fight.

"I'm just gonna take a look. Why won't you let me?" I smirked as I scanned his shots.

"It's just your ugly face."

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