2 - Memories

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My soul came back to my body as my system functioned normally again. I felt the soreness all over my fibers as if I participated in a wrestling match last night. I groaned to myself when the tingling sensation slapped the ends of my body.

What the hell happened last night? 

I blinked my eyes multiple times so I can recover from my deep sleep. I stretched my body too and the crackling of my nerves feels so good.

But when I faced the other side of my bed, my eyes widened and my jaw dropped. I became anxious suddenly and the loud beatings of my heart rumbled my ears.

It is like the reality snaps back at me and I took a seat on the bed immediately, chasing my panic breathings. That's when I became completely aware of the surroundings. The whole place is a mess as if someone raid the room. The things on my desk are now all over the floor. Some things around the room are also misplaced.

Oh fuck! 

I closed my eyes and took a deep breath. I think these scenarios already explained what really happened last night. These also explained the soreness of my body especially, my core.

What the actual fuck?

Yeah. Something definitely happened last night based from the small flashes that I can remember in the back of my mind. I just can't remember when I wore this red oversized long sleeves of him and my panties. Only two buttons of the shirt are secured too so my body is still pretty exposed.

I glanced at Michael's way. His lower body is covered with sheets so I can't tell whether he is naked or what. But judging from that... uh.

I am trying, okay? His huge thing is distracting me! I already saw him in his boxers only before but I don't give a damn back then! But now? Just pray for me. Lord, help me.

My eyes roamed over his caramel, toned body too. His bare chest makes my vision blurry. Oh damn!

"Michael Joe Jackson!"

I yelled at him until my lungs are out while hitting him with my pillow. I still have my energy and I am transferring those forces in the cotton pillow.

"Mmm..." He groaned. His eyes are still closed but his eyebrows are knitted. "What's the matter?" His voice is soft and lazy but he did face my way despite of being in a state of coma.

"Wake. Up." I hissed at him numerous times using my normal voice. I am shaking his body too until he opened his obviously tired eyes. "Tarzan!"

Oh yeah. That's my little endearment for him. I don't know why. I just blurted it out one day and I'm calling him with that cute nickname whenever I wanted too.

He is not just my Michael. He is my Tarzan too.

"I'm tired..." He murmured and blinked his eyes so he can adjust to the already well-lighted room because of the morning light striking through the window.

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