66 - Princess

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The sunlight is striking on my face, causing me to knit my eyebrows and scrunch my nose. The brightness from the sun is not harming me but it is bright enough to disturb my peaceful sleep. 

I don't even know when I closed my eyes and drove to dreamland. All I can remember is that, drops of tears escaped from my eyes because my heart was shrinking due to the fact that I am with Michael but the reality is, I am not really with him because we belong to different worlds. 

Then, there's Jesse who keeps on proving himself that we are worthy for one another even though I already told him, with all due respect, that I am not the woman for him.

When my soul and my consciousness are now in their proper designations, I felt a soft weight embracing my frame. Michael's familiar scent is rumbling my system and his minty breath is tickling my skin.

"Good morning, princess." He whispered and tightened his hug.

Why is he calling me princess?

I remained in my position and tried my best not to let his charms to weaken my existence.

"Mmm..." I just hummed and tried to find my comfort again. It seemed like, my body didn't move the whole night because I am still facing the ocean.

"A not-so-good morning? Hmm?" Michael added and his gentle fingers are brushing my hair. 

"Good morning..." 

A small smile crept to my lips as I let my hand mingled with his arm that is embracing me.

"Feeling better?"

"A little." I said and fluttered my eyes. "I think I regained my energy back."

"That's good." He giggled. "Breakfast is ready. Wanna eat or you'll take a shower first? I'll prepare a warm bath for you."

"You'll prepare a warm bath for me?" I asked him and faced his direction. 

Michael's arm remained on my frame, drawing circles on my sides. I met his brown eyes too as I rested my hand on his jawline.

"Yeah. Why not?" He moved his eyebrows, causing him to have a cute expression. "Why are you looking at me like that?"

"Like what?" I arched my brows, questioning him.

"Like that."

"I don't know what you're talking about." I gave him a confused look because I'm not aware of the look that I gave him earlier. I'm just looking at him, plain and simple.

"That look." He argued, raising his jolly and high-pitched voice. His arm remained hugging me though. "That sweet, charming, whatever look."

"What?" I reacted and slapped his chest. "I'm not giving you a look."

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