71 - Home: Part II

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I would NEVER be ready for this chapter 😭


I can't remove the huge smile on my face. I've been staring at myself for long minutes now and for sure, if the mirror is alive, it is already annoyed at me because I keep on checking myself. 

My body... it has love bites everywhere. It never happened before. I mean, not from another person whom I shared the night with. But with Faye, my skin is earning a new mark for every session we are having. I can say the same thing for her though. I'm leaving marks on her skin too ever since the first time we played with fire.

I also noticed that I'm all jolly and happy. I'm like a crazy guy who keeps on smiling even though I am alone in this bathroom. I am genuinely happy right now and I thank Faye for it. It happened when she surprised me in my London show. 

Whenever she is around, I'm happy. But I think, this time, it's different. The happiness, there is something about it that I couldn't explain. It's not the usual happiness that I could feel just because it is a good day or I had a good sleep or something. 

It's unexplainable.

But I love it.

I am always seeking for this kind of feeling inside of me. It can wash my negative thoughts away. This feeling is so rare that I'm afraid to let it go. I'm afraid to the fact that it will go away real soon or worse, something unhappy would happen.

And I don't want that. No one wants that.

I could accept if I will go back to my lonely self again but I don't want something bad to happen. If possible, I will keep this peace forever. At this moment, I'm not sure if I can find this kind of feeling from something or someone else. I'm pretty positive that Faye can only give me this heightened emotion. 

For now.

I just want to be clear that it is not about the sex. The sex is great. Real great. But we are bigger than that. It's a factor, yes, but it is not the main focus of my discussion.

With just my boxers on, I left the bathroom and jumped on the bed where Faye is reading her romance novel again. She just made an annoyed sound because the whole bed squeaked and bounced because of what I did.

"Stop reading." I humored and embraced her frame. 

I snuggled my face on her thigh because she is sitting on the bed while her back is resting on a ton of pillows against the headboard. Basically, she is just resting casually with lots of pillows to give comfort to her body.

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