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I am a wreck. A total wreck.

I could not find the peace within myself. I am so lost and confused and a complete disaster.

It's been a week after Tarzan and I cut our ties. He is no longer my Tarzan. I was always saying that to him. That he will always be my Tarzan. Forever. He was always saying that to me too. That he will be my Tarzan forever.

But what happened? He didn't want to be my Tarzan anymore and I let him. I let him do that. I was like thrown into a deep pit and my only way out was to lose my Tarzan. 

I should've just stayed in the pit. 

But, what were the other options? We were stretched to the extreme side of the situation. Something inappropriate happened to us and we had to do something about it.

I had a quick flash of what happened these past few months. I was really the bad person in this story. Even though I told Jesse in the past that it was better if we will remain friends, I still let myself to see him. Maybe in my eyes, it was just a friendly date but we had other intentions. It was clear. He confessed to me and I turned him down but still, I entertained his offers.

He might be so understanding about my situation but still, I think it was a mistake. I even kissed him back when he kissed me. I like him but I told him that I was not ready that time and he gave me the time and space. Now, I have this feeling that I gave him false hopes. But it was better to say that I really gave him false hopes.

I knew it was just us being friends but during those times, I was having a circus act with Michael. I was accepting Jesse's invitations while I was fucking his brother.

It sounded terrible. I was a terrible person.

Jesse made himself visible. He asked me to give him a chance to prove his good intentions and love for me. He said that he will wait. He told me that he will not pressure me to anything. He will remain as my friend even though he confessed his love and at the same time, patiently waiting for me until I have the answers to my questions.

He supported me all the way especially when I had the London project. He was so happy for me and he even helped me to plan my stay and my surprise for Michael and during those times that I was in Europe, I played with fire. With Michael. We spent our time in there, creating our own little cute bubble while Jesse was left in here, waiting for me.

Jesse didn't fail to call me back then too. I was saying my words like, I miss him and I was excited to see him but after that call, I jumped on the bed to get naked with Michael.

I fucked up. Everything was so fucked up.

And then, this thing in Spain happened. Michael and I had this unspoken thingy that we should not choose each other. He said that his brother was the better choice, that I should choose his brother. That I should not let his presence to cloud my decisions because it was pretty clear what I was seeing that time.

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