56 - Bribe

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You don't know how thankful I am to those of you who are waiting patiently for this story to bloom. Even I already finished this story in my drafts a year ago, I'm still having doubts about my approach but I'm not changing anything now because I want the emotions of the characters to show on their own the way I envisioned it, well, a year ago. :)


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"Hey... Come on..."

I whispered to Michael's ear as we are sharing a sweet and playful kiss. I am holding tightly on his arm because he is trying to get off of the bed.

"Faye, I need to go. Really." 

Michael's huge smile hit differently in the morning. Our naked lower bodies are still hidden under the sheets but our upper bodies are already exposed because of our playful and flirty behaviors.

"You can spare a minute. We both know that."

I winked at him and kissed his luscious lips again. I grabbed on to his shoulders so I can pull him closer to me as my lower part is trying its way to meet with his precious gift.

"But a minute won't do. You know that..." He arched his eyebrows before he roamed his large hands over my frame, teasing my horny ass.

"I know that pretty well." I answered as I am still clinging to his body, refusing to let him go.

"We can do this later." He murmured under his breath, continuing the kiss.

I didn't answer to his statement and instead, I just enjoyed myself kissing his delicious and tasty lips as I let him touch the ends of my body. 

He said that he needs to go but here he is, making out with me.

And it's hot.

Real hot.

"Okay..." I smiled widely as I broke the kiss and pushed his chest gently. 

I am letting him go.

Or not.

"Okay..." He cheered but before he can even move away from me, I grabbed his arm so I can kiss him again.

"No. I'm just kidding." I humored and continued our kiss. He just gave me a wide, cheeky grin while answering my kisses. 

"Go. Now." I said again but he looked at me with hesitations in his eyes. "Go!" I encouraged him but when he is ready to leave my side, I pulled him again. Of course!

"Alright. Alright." Michael laughed, that cute high tone of his, as we shared a cute kiss.

He is a passionate kisser. I love his lips. I love the way he kisses. I love everything about him.

Together Again (A Not So Romantic Lovestory) || Michael JacksonWhere stories live. Discover now