28 - Sunflower

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I let the warm shower fell all over my skin. I tilted my head to welcome the steam while my eyes are closed and the water droplets continued to hit my face.

Maybe, this is my way to wash my frustrations away. My insides are still throbbing and even the shower, to which I already tried the cold and warm touch, cannot do something about it.

The fire is still burning.

And no. I am not touching myself.

Michael already gave me a release earlier but my body still wants more. And this body doesn't want to cooperate with me. It seemed like, Michael really owned my system.

Damn him.

This is not how we planned to end the beautiful evening. We really heightened the feeling back in the pool and the night should end with heated fire and raging fireworks. 

Not a frustrated earth body under the shower.

I wonder what Michael is doing right at this moment. I want to know his emotions too.

I bet his nose is smoking like a bull. He is that frustrated.

My shower session did last for long. Supposedly, it was just a quick shower but my mind wandered around so I extended my stay inside this steamy room.

After drying my hair and my body with a white towel, I wore my white bathrobe before I stepped out of the bathroom. My heart skipped a beat when I saw Michael sitting on the edge of the bed. 

He is wearing his usual white t-shirt and an army green boxer shorts. Not the tight ones. This is the kind of shorts that you can wear while roaming around the house. The cotton, loose, and comfortable type of boxer shorts.

His hair is damp too and I'm sure that he also took a quick shower. A very quick one since he is already here before I finished my own session. 

I just said that I extended my shower moment but that doesn't mean that I slept inside the bathroom. It is still a quick one.

Michael has a blank expression on his face and he stared idly at me. His eyes are bloodshot due to the prolonged stay under the pool. He recovered right away and switched his gazes to something else.

His ambiance is calming and friendly. However, his friend is not being friendly despite of the loose boxer shorts.

You know what I mean.

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