76 - Vanilla... Twilight

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We are having a cute moment. 

Michael and I.

This moment is so precious that I don't want to let it go. But then, who says that I would let go of this memory anyway? We would just stop but that doesn't mean that we need to drop everything we shared. 

This is one of the memories that we need to bury real soon. Just like our private collection that I've been keeping in the farthest corner of my personal drawer in my home, we will just going to stop talking about it too like nothing happened.

As simple as that.

Stop and then, let go.

"Tarzan? Remember those sexy pictures we have?" I giggled and snuggled my face on his neck even more to inhale his scent.

We are both resting on this couch that we managed to place near the window so we can stare at the beautiful view. Our naked bodies are still covered with sheets while watching the ocean waves and the dark sky together. 

Michael is on the end of the couch while I am hugging his frame tightly, letting him play with my hair since his arm is around my shoulders. My feet are lying on the comfy seat too.

"Are you serious? How can I forget that?" His cheery voice tickled my ears that was why I tilted my head so our visions could meet. "You still have it?"

"Yeah, of course."

"Really?" Michael furrowed his eyebrows. "I assumed that you already burned it or something."

"Actually..." I said and switched my gaze from him to the ocean view. "I already forgot about that. Maybe I should look for it when I get back."

"Wanna do it again?" 

"What? No!" I scoffed playfully despite of his mischievious smirks and looks. I even sat properly, away from his embrace. "Why did we do that anyway?"

"I don't know..." He chuckled. "But the pictures look great, right?"

"Yeah, they are..." I agreed and hugged my knees as I glanced at the ocean again.

I am memorizing every detail of the view. I love it so much that I don't want to miss a single detail so I can paint it perfectly when I'm back home. The view of Michael near the waters while having a deep thought was tattooed inside my head too. Aside from the pending projects I left at work, it seemed like I will have tons of painting ideas so I will just remind myself to prepare the blank canvas for another busy day.

"Let's go back to bed?" 

Michael whispered, blowing a warm air in purpose, when he leaned closer to me. He even kissed the skin behind my ear that caused me to shiver and face his direction. He brushed his nose on my skin too before our lips met, sharing a very sweet kiss that put a huge smile on our faces.

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