43 - Necklace

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It is already dark but I left my night lights open so the whole room is still visible to my eyes. It is dim and calming.

I am just resting on my bed with three stacks of pillow below my head so I can read my shitty romance book freely. I am just relaxing myself since sleep is not yet ready to claim my soul right now.

My mind is very cloudy too, infected with alienated random things to think about even though I have no idea why I need to think about those things.

I am drowning myself again with a romance novel just to torture my pity self. I just love how two people suffer but in the end, they will still end up together. Somehow. The emotions they are portraying are too deep that it hurts my soul.

That is why I am not rushing into new relationships because I want assurance and peace of mind. I want the love to be pure and true. I don't wanna mess or fool around.

It is not bad to seek and wait for your one true love.

See? This is what romance novels are giving me. They are evil and they love to infest my mind with granted promises and happy life but in reality, it is just about empty promises and heartbreaks and unimaginable pain.

I'm just bitter. Don't mind me.

Jesse practically offered me a promising life but I still chose to leave it hanging in the air. 

That's because I am afraid. I am not sure if this is a great time to deal with love. I am not there yet. Love is very foreign to me.

Let me get this straight. I like Jesse. I really do. You know that high school feeling where you have this cute crush on a cute guy, having these fantasies of him of being his girlfriend and what-nots? 

That feeling.

But then, when he acknowledged his own feelings and dragged me into it, I'm the one who rejected the idea. 

Well, I didn't really reject the idea but still, I remained neutral. I am really thankful that Jesse is a really good guy and he can understand my nonsense ideas.

Then, there's Michael.

My best friend with loads and loads of benefits.

I am sure that this thing is for limited time only. I mean, when he leave tomorrow, it is done. We're done. Fuck buddies are done.

I already mentioned that our friendship has almost no boundaries but since we're fucking like crazy, there's no boundaries anymore.

But I am sure, when it comes to emotional aspect, there's a lot of boundaries. We just issued a warning to each other yesterday. 

No one should fall in love.

It just feels so wrong in so many levels. I don't wanna be involved in a brother rivalry and worse, to let the media tarnish our image just because the most famous artist is in love with me.

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