105 - Big Change

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I gained my strength back. I had my much needed rest so I felt so alive again. My insides were fresh as if nothing happened these past few weeks. The beauty came from within and the moulting that I am still hoping to happen didn't fail me.

But never ever ask me about my emotions because I am still a wreck in that category. In fact, I am now in my worst state to the point that nothing and no one can make me okay and happy anymore.

I am dead inside.

I just came back to my normal life. I left everything to wherever dreamland I visited. Everything was in there. All the baggages, I sent them away. I don't need them anyway. Not in this lifetime.

And for God's sake! I'm still young! I know, I am still pretty lucky but these emotions that are creeping inside of me? I don't deserved it. I don't want them. I just opened my eyes and decided to be happy.

Pretend to be happy.

I never cared about anything or anyone anymore. I love my life and I will cherish it. Who would have thought that I only needed an uninterrupted sleep for 15 hours?

That's what they said. I was asleep the whole time. I fainted and when I woke up, all I saw was the white ceiling and walls of the hospital and they said that I slept for 15 hours straight.

That was the most refreshing thing I had ever done in my life but not when I woke up. I felt groggy and tired. I just realized now that the sleep helped me to cope with something. I got hospitalized because of my overfatigue circus. My body can't handle it so I fainted.

That's all. I think.

I changed. I changed after that fainting incident. I promised to myself before I blacked out that I'm going to take care of myself. 

I am eating healthy now. I always have a snack with me so I can eat something even though I am busy. I am having a good night sleep too. My work load is now fitted for what I can handle without sacrificing my personal and social life. I am enjoying my work and I'm happy with it. 

I can also spend time with my colleagues especially Charlotte. They can drag me easily now whenever they wanted to hang out. I am always part of the list now and I love it.

Did I also mention that I volunteered to a non-profit organization? If I have a free time, I loved to pay a visit to this wonderful orphanage. Donating some groceries and toys that my good pocket can allow me became a habit. I spent time with them and my heart never been this full and happy. 

There was this one time too that I also visited a home for grandparents. I learned a lot from them especially about life. It gave me more appreciation to what I have now and I also learned how to deal with difficult things in life.

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