❗announcement ❗

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Hello, everyone! We are in a long journey here and I appreciate you all for being here, enjoying this story despite of its slow pacing and development that sometimes, it is so frustrating already.

Faye and Michael's, or Faye and Jesse's journey perhaps, brought confusions and headaches or whatever we want to call that. But I think, we are collectively hoping for the best? Lol

For the past days, I was trying to update the story but unfortunately, time didn't give me luck. Before I post a chapter, I give those chaps a quick edit/rerun even I wanted to rewrite them badly in reality.

The point of this announcement is, I would be kinda inactive than the usual and I can't promise to when I can update again. Still once a week, I hope?

The reasons:

1. Currently, I'm in the middle of a filo AU fest that I've been working on which will be released on August (if the creative juices will cooperate, I don't need to maximize the writing period for a short story perhaps)

2. I'm working on my thesis experiment and manuscript, trying to beat the deadline, mid-August #graduating

3. I'm preparing for my board exam so I attend review classes that started last May and will end on November

With that, I just wanted you to know that I'm not abandoning you and this story and I assure you that this story will be completed soon since, this is already finished in my vault so what I'm doing, I'm just in the process of posting chapters. There will be no writer's block anymore or whatnots.

And...! Surprise. This story is composed of 120 chapters (and some stuff) and another conflict will happen very soon that I hope, I can share to all of you as soon as possible. Fingers crossed, I will have more free times once some major events end. Mid-August would be a very great time.

So for now, this announcement is what I can give and thank you for understanding. Hearts to everyone! Keep safe always ❤


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