72 - Stop

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Just a heads-up that this story is long and slow pacing. I remember informing you about it already but, reminding from time to time wouldn't harm 😁

I just want to say that I appreciate all of you so much for being here. From giving this story a try, catching up, waiting for updates, up to sharing your thoughts about it and of course, the love. This is a HUGE victory for a writer like me who is mostly writing for myself only and ended up sharing the stories in various platforms. Thank you so much!

And since I already mention it, thank you for the patience you are giving to Michael and Faye (even to Jesse!!!). The story is experimental and I'm still learning the ropes of writing long stories in 1st person POV but upon realizing and learning what to improve while I'm in the process of doing minor editing before posting, I decided to stick with the original flow of this story, the approach and stuff, and everything rather than merge some chapters and rewriting etc.

This is an emotional journey and I hope, I would see you in the end [a gentle hint: this 2020 fic reached 100+ chapters 😁].

Hearts! ❤

Hearts! ❤

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"Wow." I breathed as I smiled widely in between my heavy and rapid breathings. "That's the best way to end it. Wow."

Once again, a satisfied groan escaped from my mouth when I moved my hips gently and let Michael's shaft to slip out of my insides. 

Apparently, after our very tiring day roaming around the streets of Barcelona, we still have the much needed energy for sex. It just happened when we got home. It just happened again. It just happened like all the sexual encounters we shared.

I blew a generous amount of air to calm my nerves when I slammed my back on the bed after I removed my weight on top of Michael. I enjoyed the heavings of my chest as I rested lazily with the help of the comforting sheets while staring blankly at the ceiling.

Michael covered our naked bodies but he remained quiet. He is not saying anything. Not that he needs to speak but he is unusually quiet the whole day. I don't know what is running in his mind but he assured me that he is okay. He keeps on saying that it's just about work and business so I kept my mouth shut. Michael would not say a thing about it anyway even if I would ask.

"We good?" I glanced at him and asked the question. He is just staring at the ceiling too.

"Yeah..." He whispered and met my gaze. He let out a faint, toothless smile. But it wasn't really convincing.

"Okay..." I just answered.

I remained looking at him but he switched his gaze back to the ceiling. His eyes are saying that he is in a deep thought and his brown orbs are not as lively and expressive just like how his eyes twinkled these past few days.

Together Again (A Not So Romantic Lovestory) || Michael JacksonWhere stories live. Discover now