13 - Again

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"What I can do to you?"

I let out my words in between my teeth as I continued to devour her luscious lips and her soft skin.

"Anything." She breathed with her eyes closed. "You can do anything to me." 

A smirk crept on my lips when she surrendered to me. Her body, her mind, her words, her reactions. She surrendered everything to me.

Except her heart.

I'm sure of that.

"Do you trust me?" I asked while I am tracing her soft features. From her cheeks, her nose, down to her lips and her chin. I even let her suck my index finger.

"Yes." She answered and opened her eyes, meeting my dark gazes. "I do trust you."


What had happened earlier was a complete torture. I offered her an out and she actually accepted it. I thought that she will decline it but no. She walked away from me.

But that's what I honestly thought.

She is with me right now, surrendering herself to me. She gave me her permission to do anything to her body. To her lovely body.

"Are you sure?" I asked again. Consent is very important.

"I am sure. " She answered.

I watched her reaction while I'm letting my warm breath traced her naked body. My lips started from her neck and I trailed down to her cleavage. I nibbled her side boobs that gained a sensual moan from her and grabbed a fistful of her hair that caused her head to tilt backwards, exposing her neck, before I played with her pinkish nipples.

"Michael..." She moaned and her sexy voice lingered in my ears. That alone is driving me crazy.

"Shhh..." I shushed her but I don't exactly want her to stay silent. I just did that to blow some air on her areolas to maximize nipple stimulation. "Be quiet."

I scanned her beautiful, sexy, and naked body. She is still sitting on the countertop, waiting patiently to my touches. Her hands are roaming around my topless body and there is no hint of shyness and hesitations in her eyes.

She is not my Faye. She is a totally different person when she is having sex. She is not the shy and gentle woman I know on a daily basis. I never thought that I will see this side of her. Let alone her naked body. This is our second time to do this but I can still feel the electricity that is shocking me everytime I am touching her skin.

"I want you to relax..." I whispered to her while I am playing with her earlobe. My hands are touching every detail of her body. "I have my notes, Faye. Remember when I teased you about restrictions?"


I settled my palms at the opposite sides of her body. Her hands wrapped around my neck before I leaned to kiss her soft lips. I pulled away and guided her chin so she can meet my gazes before I asked the question,

Together Again (A Not So Romantic Lovestory) || Michael JacksonWhere stories live. Discover now