73 - Calm Before The Storm

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All of a sudden, my whole system came back to its senses. My eyes opened and I jolted, awake in an instant. I am thinking that I had a nightmare but I was not having a dream. Everything is just blank and clear. Or that's what I could just remember.

My heart is beating fast and my breathings are having a bad time. I swallowed hardly to clear my heavy chest before I sat on the bed, being careful not to wake Michael up.

The room is dim and the only source of light is the brightness from the outside. I can clearly hear the waves of the ocean and that helped me to calm my nerves.

"Michael?" I whispered to myself because I found out that his side of the bed is empty.

I hugged myself because there is a chilly breeze that touched my skin. I am still naked under the sheets and I remembered, I fell asleep under Michael's warming hug. 

My sight roamed around as I wonder where he is. His sheets are kinda messy and that didn't give me any idea if he is just downstairs or something. There is no light from the bathroom too and no presence is can be seen on the balcony.

I just inhaled sharply in attempt to calm myself completely. Thankfully, the unnecessary emotions left my system. I am now in my normal self again as if nothing happened. Since I am widely awake at this ungodly hour, I just decided to clothe myself.

With my white lacey casual shorts and white t-shirt, I went downstairs to grab a glass of water. Also, I am looking forward to see Michael wherever he is. I fixed the long scarf around my shoulders because the night breeze is making me shiver. My eyes roamed around the place but still, even Michael's shadow is nowhere to be found.

After quenching my thirst, I went to the front porch just to be aware of the surroundings. I don't know where the security guys are hiding in this beach. I have no one to ask about Michael's whereabouts unless, I scream.

He would not go to someplace else at this time of the night, right? Or at least, he would tell me or leave some note if ever he did that.

I have enough courage to walk around the beach because I knew very well that this place is heavily secured. Wherever those guys are, I'm sure that their eyes and minds are alert even at this unholy hour.

A sigh of relief escaped from me when I saw a familiar figure near the waters. Michael is sitting along the sands, just watching the waves of the ocean. Just like his mood earlier, he is still in a deep thought.

"Michael?" I whispered.

Actually, I'm a little hesitant about calling his name because I don't wanna disturb his time for himself. 

Michael looked over his shoulder because I maintained a cute distance in between us. His eyes are gentle as ever and that washed my worries away instantly.

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