46 - Is My Heart Fine?

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It's been almost three weeks, 18 days to be exact, since Michael left for his tour. Not that I am counting but it's just... the schedule he gave me is posted on my refrigerator. I put my colorful pastel highlighters to use whenever I am crossing out a concert date.

So far, four concert dates were already highlighted out of I don't know exactly how many shows left. I don't wanna count. It makes my waiting game a torture.

A real torture.

Tarzan tried to keep his promise. He is calling me whenever he can but it is so rare. If he calls, it is just an exchange of how are yous then he needs to hang up right away. He is very busy.

From what I know, aside from the concert itself, he is visiting a lot of hospitals too in the area. He is spending a lot of time with sick kids, making them smile despite of their fragile conditions.

I'm so proud of him.

I'm so proud of my Tarzan.

As much as I wanted to talk to him all night despite of the time differences, I want him to rest and use his free time for himself.

I am always telling him that even though he cannot sleep, just take a rest. Just jump on the bed and close his eyes. That little rest is really a big help if he really can't sleep.

I understand too if he can't call me as often as possible. Just knowing that he is safe and okay, I will be okay too.

It's been three days since the last time we talked. Again, I am not counting. It is just vivid in my mind even it was just about hellos and I'm fines.

My couch is really loving me right now and no matter how hard I try, I cannot get off from this comfortable furniture. I am still lying on it because this is where I slept last night. It is not my intention but it's just... my bed feels empty. I don't know why. I just don't wanna stay there.

It's not always happening. It just happened last night. And the other night. And the night before that. Okay, maybe a lot of nights.

That explains may back pains and headaches.

I let out a groan before I cuddled with myself. I am wearing Michael's grey hoodie and it is very comforting. It smells like him too. 

Ugh! I miss him badly!

But please, I just need another round of short naps so I can be alive again.

Just when I'm starting to brush away my thoughts about Michael and have my nap, someone knocked on the door but I am too lazy and tired to entertain that.

If that someone is important enough, that someone will just call to tell me that I should open the door.

But, I don't even know where my phone is lounging right now.

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