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Everything was not yet dawning all over me. I was still absorbing the fact that Faye and I created a life. We had a baby. An angel who was now guiding us from the heaven.

That explained the hurt in her eyes. The pain. The agony. It was unexplainable and undescribable. The moment she learned that she was pregnant, that was the same moment that she received the unfortunate event.

I knew that this was no one's fault but it hurt me so much that I was not beside her during those hard times. I should be there with her. I should be there for her. She was taken care of that time but I should have known. Right away. Because damn, she lost a lot of blood and what if, what if her body was not able to handle that? 

I will be damned. 

We lost our baby and what if, something happened to her that time too? I will not be able to handle it. I blamed myself already for this. If I was just careful, like really careful, this will never happen.

But then, maybe this was our fate. It was already written in our stars that was why it happened. It became a bleeding and painful wound in our hearts.

I grieved in silence. I just found myself being alone all the time, drowning with music because this was the only thing that I knew which can help me to escape the pain. I danced the frustrations away, sang the heartbreaks away...

I was just glad that Faye opened up to me and it helped me understand everything. I could not blame her why she threw all the flames at me. I learned why... The pain lingered inside of her and I was the one who can understand her. We were one in this. We shared the darkest hour and deepest despair.

She was not pushing me away just like before. I got the chance to visit her again and even though we were kind of silent during those times, I was there with her. That said a lot. She let me in again and when I can't visit, she was answering my calls. Just like when we were together, the phone calls were full of complete silence. We just knew that we were there and maybe, those were enough.

The pain in my chest remained. I can't get it out. I thought, when I buried myself in the studio to compose songs and make music, I will be alright. I was wrong. I was so wrong... 

A couple of tears escaped from my eyes when Faye told me the truth but that was it. I never cried again after that. I was an emotional and sensitive person but when I learned about our baby, I just can't let it out. It was more important for me to make sure that she was okay. Her situation will come first. Before me. She kept on asking me if I was okay though. 

And I was always saying yes all the time.

Every freaking time.

Tonight, I could not sleep. I needed to rest so I can have the much needed energy for my shows. I will be gone for a week again just to continue this tour but I will be back in no time. I really wanted to rest but my restless body and bothered mind were not letting me.

Together Again (A Not So Romantic Lovestory) || Michael JacksonWhere stories live. Discover now