17 - Tight Pants

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I let the fresh air invade my lungs as I inhaled sharply while staring at the studio front. I'm sure, whatever is happening inside, is a sight to see. Whatever Michael is cooking, he will make sure that it will be another history in the making. It will be big just like his name.

I'm just standing here, alone. Bill parked the car somewhere and I don't know where he is. This studio is not foreign to me to the point that I can roam around it with my eyes closed.

I brushed the strands of hair that are making a mess on my face. I tied it in a high bun while I let some short waves of mine to mingle with my face. I am also wearing a collared black printed dress to which I paired with black boots. It is an inch above my knee that showcased my caramel legs.

Is it a good choice of outfit for this event? This is my office wear. I didn't change my clothes. Why I became anxious suddenly?

It is just a freaking outfit, Faith. Get a life.

After a few seconds, I decided to come in. I straightened my dress and I let out a huge sigh before entering. I also blinked my eyes multiples times to make them look more alive and twinkling. I flashed a happy face too.

When I entered the room where the short film shoot is taking place, I was greeted by dark ambiance and random streaks of light as if I am in a some sort of a rock concert.

Oh yeah.

Technically, I am in a rock concert. Michael told me that this short film is a live performance kind of thing. That explains the stage where the members of the band are playing a random instrumental music. I think they are on a break.

My left hand tightened its grip on my shoulder bag while my right hand is playing with the visitor's pass I wore around my neck. Bill gave me the pass earlier that is why I can wander in this place freely. No one is giving me any attention anyway.

I scanned the whole area and I am starting to get dizzy because of the random lights that are striking my eyes. There are so many people walking here and there but still, no sight of Michael. 

Where is my Tarzan?

"What are you doing here, kiddo?" I heard Bill talking behind me.

"Oh." I said when he stood beside me. "There's so many people. I don't know where Michael is."

"You can't see him from here. Follow me." He said and walked towards the right side of this huge room.

My eyes are wandering around while I'm keeping my sight at Bill. I'm still following his paths to I don't where.

"Your friend is inside this room." Bill smiled at me and gestured the door.

"You're right. I will never find him if I stayed on my spot." I chuckled while shaking my head.

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