30 - Tamed Rose

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"That's good, pumpkin." I heard Michael's chuckles after long minutes of silence. "You're taking my commands very seriously."

My body remained on the table, my butt is being vulnerable in the air, just waiting for Michael to do something about it.

"Do you like being naked and vulnerable for me?" His husky voice is making me curl my toes. "Huh?"

I nodded eagerly as he is guiding my body so I can stand on my feet again.

"I want to hear your voice, pumpkin. Silent subs might get a punishment."

"Understood, Sir." I shivered when his hands touched my frame again.

"You have a lovely skin. Do you know that?"

"No, Sir." I breathed, my hands behaved on my sides.

"What do you mean?"

"There are a lot of women who have lovelier skin than me, Sir. More beautiful than me."

I'm just stating a fact. I am not the fairest of them all. Especially in Michae— my master's eyes. He probably saw a lot of beautiful women. All the beautiful women around the world.

I'm not special. There is nothing special about me.

"Is that how you see yourself?"

"I'm not special." A small smile painted at the corner of my mouth. "Sir."

"Every woman is unique." I heard his murmurs while he is brushing something on my skin. A soft, comforting touch. "And special."

"Flowers bloom in their own time, pumpkin. They're going to bloom, saying hello to the world unannounced. They have unique aroma, shapes, appearance... That what makes them beautiful. Their vibrant colors. Their resilience." Michael continued as he is still brushing the unknown thing on my body.

"Ever heard of The Little Prince, pumpkin?"

"Yes, Sir." I heaved.

"The eyes are blind. One must look at the heart.” He said before implanting a soft kiss on my lips. "There are a lot of roses but not all of them are tamed. Beautiful yet empty. You, you are like a tamed rose. One could die for you. One could listen to you. When you grunted. When you boasted. Or even when you said nothing..."

"Open you blooms, pumpkin. You're beautiful. Show it to the world. Just like the beautiful flowers, women are unique in their own ways too." Michael melted my heart again with his words while he is caressing my cheeks.

My heart jumped when Michael claimed my lips again. It is so sweet that I can literally hear the angels sing. It is as sweet as the rose's aroma that is lingering around me. It is sweeter than the sweetest laugh of fairies in the magical world.

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