4 - No Escape

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I can remember it vividly.

The way I banged my fist on the desk for numerous times. The way he pulled my hair. The way I tightened my grip on the edge of the desk. The way I screamed his name. The way he groaned my name with his tongue. The way we cursed when everything is getting very heated. And most importantly, the way he fucked me from behind while I am leaning on the desk.

That is so fucking hot may I just say.

That scene is so hot that I can really feel the hotness right now. Is the cold fan working?

I also remember how I spread my body all over the desk after we shared a mindblowing explosion. I let him explore my body and I don't give a damn if he already saw everything about me now. I know that he took care of me even though what mostly happened last night were pretty rough and wild.

Also, I will never forget how I kneeled in front of him and shoved his perfect and beautiful manhood inside my warm mouth. He was not the only one who took an adventure. I explored his sexy body too.

I think, I already memorized even the tiny details of his sculptured body. I think, I can sketch his whole self even the smallest information about his frame accurately. That's how I appreciated his body last night. I saw and touched him that I can make a clone of him even without looking at him in the process.

"Hey, Faye. You okay?"

Michael bursted my own bubble and I automatically looked at his existence who is now standing in front of me, at the opposite side of the kitchen counter.

I can literally smell my soap on him. His hair is damped and slightly messy. He is just wearing his black pants and remained topless. However, he is covering his front body with his white t-shirt.

Oh yes, thank God!

I can't help it, okay? My insides are still rumbling and I don't know how I can control it. I don't even know how to behave in front of Michael.

Just be yourself, okay? Nothing will change. This is just you and Michael. Breathe.

"Faye?" He repeated and finally, I'm back on earth again.

"Huh?" I asked and continued to toss this chicken salad that I forgot that I am making because my mind drifted off to somewhere.

He sighed.

"I asked you if you are okay. You look flustered."

"Oh." I muttered and looked at him. He just let out a faint smile. "I'm okay. I'm just thinking of something."

I handed him a fork. We don't need another plate. We'll just gonna eat straight from the bowl.

"About last night?" I saw him smirked before he started eating the salad that I prepared.

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