91 - Love

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The whole night heightened everyone's energy to the point that some were already wasted but most of the people were just tipsy. This night really became an escape from a stressful work or for some cases, just like mine, it became an escape for something personal.

To my own delight, no one bugged me about what happened two weeks ago. All their focus and attention remained on Jesse and I especially at the fact that why we were still keeping things slow even though it was already obvious that we were a one heck of a couple.

I didn't know the answer either. Maybe I was just waiting for the right timing. Something like that. Besides, we were both enjoying and loving what we have. We didn't want to spoil or jinx it just because we were craving for the relationship label. 

It will happen. In no time.

I didn't have any baby duties tonight, by the way. My tipsy and drunk friends had their own plans on how to get home. 

My plan how to get home? I have Jesse. That was our plan. I got stuck with him the whole night.

"Hey.." Janet whispered and dragged me to an isolated part of the room. Obviously, she was drunk but she can handle herself. "I just want you to know that I like you very much. As a person and a sister, okay?"

"Uhm, okay?" I answered hesitantly but I let her talk while clinging to my arm.

"I just wanna make sure that you are making the right decisions. Make decisions based on your own instincts and thinking not just because you are pressured or obligated to do so. You are a grown woman and I believe, you know what you are doing..."

"I don't really care about my brothers' feelings. They can handle themselves. I am more worried about you. I don't really have an opinion about it because it is not my life and I have no idea what is really happening. But I assure you, Faith. Whatever your decision is, I am still your nosy sister from another womb. Are we clear on that?" Janet raised her eyebrows at me, waiting for my answer.

"Yes. That is pretty clear, sister." I smiled, showing my appreciation by holding her hands even though she was drunk and probably didn't have any idea what she was saying to me. "Thank you for the advice. I appreciate it so much. Maybe this is your way of threatening me not to hurt Jesse and you know, message received."

I let out a soft chuckle and Janet grinned at me too. 

"Oh, Faith..." Janet sighed in a satisfied tone and smiled, tightening our clasped hands. "I always want you to be my sissy for real and I am so vocal about that. I just can't believe that we are getting closer to it. No pressure. Really. I am just so happy."

"I understand, Janet." I giggled. "Believe me, I am so happy too. I'm glad that all these things are happening and I'm so thankful. Jesse is a gift from above."

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